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The purpose of this article is to provide information regarding the use of RESTv1. See the help page API documentation for up-to-date reference.


1) Get the agency for the user currently logged in.GET /agencies
2) From the above response, retrieve the agency type and name information. This is the minimum amount of information required for the POST action to succeed. 
3) Take the information retrieved from the above response and use it as the request body for the POST operation.POST /agencies

Sample request:

Code Block
  "agencyType": {
    "key": "akMHFjtgGEGcS9LRfawjCw==",
    "name": "Booking sample"
  "name": "InteliSys Booking"

Sample response:

Code Block
  "href": "/agencies/t2MkLBokPWOfz6DEMcdjeg==",
  "key": "t2MkLBokPWOfz6DEMcdjeg==",
  "iataNumber": "",
  "name": "InteliSys Aviation Systems"


1) Get the agency key for the agency the user belongs to.

GET /agencies

2) Once you have the agency key, you can then get all the users for that specific agency.

GET /agencies/{key}/users
3) Get the user key for the user whose permissions you wish to check from the response of the above operation. 
4) You can now get all of the permissions for that user.GET /users/{key}/effectivePermissions
  • You can optionally provide a descriptor for the above request if you have an idea of which specific permissions you would like to see.
GET /users/{key}/effectivePermissions?descriptorFilter=Reservations


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