InteliSys Service Desk Documentation

Phone: 1-877-557-IAS1(4271) , 1-613-507-6133


Levels of Priority: 


A case should be marked Urgent only under the following circumstances:

  • System Outage (Unable to log in, unable to send/receive GDS messages, unable to connect to Secure Flight)
  • Revenue Impacting items (where it will interrupt a significant portion of your revenue on a consistent basis)
  • Impacting Flights (Unable to board Passengers, unable to check in passengers, anything that would cause your flight to be delayed)


A case should be marked High if it meets any of these criteria:

  • Issues non-revenue blocking, but affect a highly utilized function
  • Issues that are of a time-sensitive nature (fixing a res where the passenger departs within a 2-3 day period)
  • Setup changes of a time-sensitive nature (time-sensitive itinerary changes, bag tag changes, business rules, etc.)


A case should be marked Medium if it meets any of these criteria:

  • Functionality impact, with a work around available
  • Setup changes which are not time-sensitive (itinerary changes, bag tag changes)


A case should be marked Low if it meets any of these criteria:

  • Information Request (How do I?)
  • Service Changes
  • Non-Revenue Impacting (Need a single reservation fixed.)

Are you ready to get started with the Customer Portal?  

When you go to the Customer Portal for the first time from the link in the Welcome email, you will set your password.  Your user name is your email address.

You will now be able to enter a case.

When opening a case, fill out all the appropriate fields and click the Create button. At this point, your case has been opened and you will receive an email confirming this.

You will be able to view the information you entered and you can add comments or attachments to the case from this screen.  You will receive an email whenever the product support specialist comments on the issue.  You can reply to the email and the reply will automatically be added as a comment to the issue.

In the upper right hand corner, you will see My requests.  Select this to view your requests - you can choose to view all, open, or closed requests.  There is also a search feature that allows you to find a request based on the case information.


Select the drop down next to My requests to view your profile.  From this screen, you can update your profile name, avatar, time zone, and reset your password.

If you have any questions, feel free to contact us.