Splitting Routes

Splitting Routes

Splitting routes from the main route structure to either Edit or Delete

Step-by-step guide

In ameliaRES you are able to split out a series or block of flights.  From that block you can with Edit the block or Delete the block.

(The caution here is that the Delete is a permanent action.  The flights can’t be brought back.  Where as in the Schedule, the user can make an individual flight Inactive, which then allows the user to bring the flight back for use at a later time.)

  • Begin at Operations→Flight Management→Routes
  • Highlight the route and flight that will be split
  • Once highlighted click on the Split Route button in the lower left of the screen


  • The pop up will display.
  • Leave the Date Split tab in the active position
  • Select the beginning of the date range needed to be split.  Think of this as a knife cutting a loaf of bread.  The first “slice” cuts loaf. 
  • Click the OK button


  •  In the display below you can see that the block begins on 01OCT15
  • To “carve” out the block, click on the Split Route again


  • Input the Beginning date of the next block and click OK (for example, 01OCT15 to 30OCT15 is the block needed, therefore, the beginning date would be for 31OCT15)


  •  The display below now shows the block from 01OCT15 to 31OCT15


  • With the block highlighted you can now go in and either Edit or Delete the block


To remove on day of the week from a route Select split route and do a Frequency Split

Select the day you wish to split out to make the change by double clicking on the day.

Once the day is split out you can edit this new route for the one day which will update all instances of this flight on the selcted day for the period of the route.


Filter by label

There are no items with the selected labels at this time.

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