Special Service Request Codes

Special Service Request Codes

SSR's are special Service Requests that can accompany any GDS reservation. SSR codes have another set of codes which advise what type of Supplimentary Element is being asked for. 

CodeStands forFurther Information
ADTKAdvise if Ticketed
AVIHAnimal In holdYou must specifiy details for Animals In hold
DOCAPassenger Address information
DOCSPassenger Travel DocumentPassports or other travel docs
BLNDBlind Passenger
INFTInfant SSR Code
RLOCRecord LocatorUsed in an OSI line to advise customer on RLOC
OTHSOther InformationRequres action or provides reseervations related information for which no SSR code exists and may or may not require a reply
TKNETicket NumberTicket Number for Electronic Tickets
UMNRUnaccompanied MinorA minor who will not be accompanied by an adult

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