Link Payments to Charges

Link Payments to Charges

Payments are now linked (associated with) the charges they cover. Conversely, charges are linked to the payment(s) to cover each.

Charge Types are ranked using the Order field (on the Charge Types form) - the lowest value being the highest rank.

Figure: Charge Types form - Order


Charges for Payment/Processing Fees (such as for credit card payments) should be associated with the lowest possible Order ID (typically 0 or 1) to ensure they are given priority, and properly mapped to the corresponding payment(s).

Charges may also be ordered/ranked (within type/category) using the Order field on the Charges form:

Figure: Charges form - Order

When applying a payment, the following order is used:

  1. Highest-ranked Charge Type (0 or 1 is first, as mentioned above).
  2. Charges within this Charge Type, from lowest to highest Order value.
  3. Repeat 1 and 2 until all charges are paid or the amount of the payment is completely used/spent.


Please note that this linking applies ONLY to reservations/payments created after your system is updated to amelia 17.04 -  that is to say, these links will NOT exist for any previous/existing payments.

Charges/Payments added to reservations with prior payments may not be linked correctly, causing some discrepancies (in data/reporting).