17.08 Release Notes

New Features:


(Important to internal and external development teams)

RESTv1 (See the API documentation for further details.):

  • Fare Classes - GET operations
  • Fare Rules Types - GET operations
  • Passenger Service Requests - GET operations
  • Passengers (Phase 2) - POST/PUT operations
  • Settings (Business Rules) - GET operations
  • Reservations (Phase 2) - POST operations


(Important to Commercial teams)

Enhancements / Improvements:


IASCASE / Issue #


8064 / amelia-5268APIS - Correct data used (Historical data was sometimes used.)

8894 / amelia-6026

GDS - Include internal Ticket # on PNL

8722 / amelia-6170APIS info for Infants correctly saved
9346 / amelia-6394AVS Recap - Error when too many flights selected
9316 / amelia-6395Ancillary Items City Pair Requirements (web report) - Issue with date criteria
9325 / amelia-6447Baggage - Inconsistent default field when adding passenger baggage
9449 / amelia-6495Name Change Fee was not being applied (within X hours of departure)
9555 / amelia-6579Edit Res - Issue with Voucher payment
9407 / amelia-6642Ancillary Items Definition - Special character caused Edit to fail
9633 / amelia-6686RESTv1 - POST Reservations - Could book more than Max Passengers (BR 590)
9667 / amelia-6693Show All Fares - Issue where some Fares couldn’t be selected
9825 / amelia-6845PNL/ADL - Can now send when passengers with same name exist on a flight