Flight and Fare Visibility Troubleshooting Guide

Flight and Fare Visibility Troubleshooting Guide


The following guide can be used to help determine why a particular fare or flight is not appearing in a travel option search.


This check list is best performed with full user permissions when logged into the ameliaRES application. 

Why is fare xyz not showing?

1. Check allocations (operations > seat allocations) ON EACH LEG and make sure each fare (the fare's booking code) is available ON EACH LEG of flight. 

2. Check to see if the fare is listed on the city pair ie. the start and endpoint of the flight. (utilities> fare setup.) Also note the 'on sale from ' and 'on sale to' and the 'travel from' and 'travel to' dates . On sale "from" and "to" is the date range that it can sell , travel "from" and "to" is the flight date range it is valid. 

3. Check to see if the fare is 'company specific'. Go to utilities> inventory setup, highlight the fare in question, click 'company' to the right. Those listed in the right column (selected) will have exclusive access to the fare. If the selected column is blank, the fare is open to all.

4. Check 'stay over days'. (utilities > inventory setup) Highlight the fare's BOOKING CODE in question, click 'edit' to the right. If the end user is trying to pull up a return flight and the stay over days is listed as 7 and they are trying a return flight after only 3 days the option will not be available. Also, any one-way fares should have their stay over days set to 0 as 'min stay over days and 'max stay over days' set to 0 or 365.

5. Check to make sure the fare visibility is set to 'call centre' for ameliaRES or 'group' (if it is a group booking code). This can be done by going to Utilities > Inventory Setup , Highlight the targeted fare in the bottom half of screen and click "edit".

6. Use the 'fare override' feature. When the 'fare class selection' window displays, select the "show all fares" and see if the mystery fare now appears. If it does, this would indicate special terms / advanced booking days etc. on the fare. Check utilities> inventory setup. highlight the fare's booking code and select 'edit' to view special properties of the booking code/fare.

7. Look at the Flight watch entry for the flight you're looking for. Look at the "Location" field on each segment of the flight. If these are set to arrived or departed, edit them and set them to blank and save. If any of these are set to anything, it won't show the flight, even if it is open. 

Why is flight123 not showing?

1. Check each departing leg is 'open' in checkins. (operations >checkins)

2. Check applicable thrufare airports are listed. (utilities > fares setup. highlight the city pair (start - endpoint), click 'airports'. Make sure the 'thrufare airports' are listed in the 'valid airports' in the right column. Example, you are wanting to fly A - D, when you highlight A- D city pair, and click airports as described before, if B and C are not listed in the valid airports section, the option/flt will not appear.

3. Check to see if another date returns using the same flight number. For example, you cannot get flt123 on dec7  available as a selection in travel options. Check flt123 next week (dec14). See if that appears, this may give clues as to why the flight is not appearing. You may be able to  determine if it is an issue with the whole flight number, or specific to one flight date.

4. Toggle advanced travel options. After you do a 'by schedule' search, in the flight availability window at the bottom, select 'advanced', enter '10' for segments maximum, enter '9999' for longest stop over, '5' for shortest stop over. If the option now appears, it may be the default settings configured in the system under Utilities > Settings.

5. Check flight watch to see if any leg of the flight is set to 'expired' or any other status than 'active'. Go to Operations > flight management > flight watch. Highlight the first leg in suspect flight, click 'edit', in the window that appears at the bottom, the 'status' should be active. The operations crew may have changed this to expired or other status for valid reasons.

Web Specific

The following covers  "why is xyz fare not appearing on the web" however, the 6 fare points above still apply

1. Go to Utilities > Settings in ameliaRES , look in the 'web fares' section. 'Display all', will do just that - display all fares. The second option, 'cheapest restricted and non restricted, will display the cheapest 'restricted' and 'non restricted' only AND anything marked as 'seat sale' 

2. Make sure the fare's booking code is set to 'internet' in utilities >inventory setup . Highlight the booking code and click edit to right.

GDS Specific 

The following covers, "Why can I not book this fare on GDS" but keep in mind many of the points above still apply. 

1.) Look at Business Rule 497 GDSFARERULES. If it is set to N = used only Default Fares on the GDS. Go to Inventory Setup and Highlight the fare they want to book in the Fare Class Window. Click Edit. Then without changing anything, click Save. It will then prompt you to make this fare default. Select Yes. 

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