ameliaCARGO Imports Guide

InteliSys Aviation Systems


Log into ameliaCARGO

Each Agent must use their own login - sharing of Agent logins is NOT permitted. Any discrepancies are the responsibility of the open/logged-in Agent. Users are responsible for protecting their password, and changing it when necessary or requested to do so.

Web Links:

  • Training - TBA

  • Live - TBA

Login Screen:

Dashboard Page (shown immediately after login):

Notice the links in the bottom right-hand corner of the Dashboard page. Click the Training Guide link to view a pop-up Training Guide (as shown below). All of the links to the left have an animated demonstration of the associated feature. Take some time to review any items that interest you.

Arrival Procedure

Check In-Flight Report

Before a flight arrives at your station, an operator should view the In-Flight Report to check what cargo is incoming.


On this screen:

  • Enter Flight Number (or leave it empty to see all inbound flights). A pick-list is also available.

  • Select Flight Date.

  • Select From (originating) Airport.

  • Click View Report or Print Report.

A sample of the In-Flight Report is shown below. All cargo manifested by the originating station is listed on the report. Incoming cargo is grouped by cargo destined for your station and cargo transiting through your station.


Arriving a Flight

Flights must be ‘arrived’ before incoming cargo can be accepted. To do this, go to Manage Import Flight -> Flight Arrival:


On this screen:

  • Enter Flight Number (or use the pick-list).

  • Select Flight Date.

  • Click the Search button.

  • Click the Arrive link (for the flight in question).

    • If successful, a status of ‘Arrived’ replaces the link (in the Action column).

    • If you see a message (You cannot arrive this flight since it has cargo and needs to be departed from [AP code].), contact the originating station and get them to ‘depart’ the flight.

NOTE that you should confirm the arrival time when ‘arriving’ a flight - change this value if it’s incorrect.

Receive Shipment

Normally, the Receive Consignments screen will automatically display after Arriving a Flight (see previous section). If not, access it manually to receive a shipment - go to Manage Import Flight -> Receive Consignments:


On this screen:

  • Enter Flight Number (or use the pick-list).

  • Select Flight Date.

  • Click the Search button.

  • In the table of results, select cargo being received using the checkboxes.

  • Confirm number of pieces, weight, and location (can be typed in or selected from list).

  • Click the Receive button.

  • Click OK on the confirmation dialog.

    • If successful, a message (X Consignment(s) successfully received.) confirms this.

TRF (Transfer Cargo):

This is cargo making a stop at your base, and that requires a transfer to a connecting flight. Here is the process to follow:

 1. Receive everything (including TRF) from the arriving flight:

2. If the Originating Base assigned a Flight Number for the transfer, you must A. Transfer Flight, B. Confirm Allocation, and C. Manifest. 

  •  If no Flight Number was assigned, Pre-Allocate, then Manifest.

A.  B. 


Out-Flight Report (cargo going through your station on the same aircraft):

This shows you through cargo planned on board the aircraft at your station. Through Cargo is NOT visible on your local manifest, but it’s important to be aware of what remains on board before adding cargo to a flight.

Go to Manage Export Flight -> Out-Flight Report:



 NOTE that a remark is inserted stating the cargo in question is staying on the flight.

Offload Transit Consignments

Use this to offload Transit consignments (loaded on a through flight).

On this screen:

  • Enter Flight Number (or use the pick-list).
  • Select Flight Date.
  • Click the Search button.

Results are displayed like this:

From here, enter the actual pieces and weight to be offloaded (for each consignment), then select the checkbox in the first column, and click the Offload button. Consignments for which you do not select the checkbox are NOT offloaded (they remain on the flight).

Transfer Consignments

Use this to transfer Inbound consignments from an inbound flight to an outbound flight.

On this screen:

  • Enter Flight Number (or use the pick-list).
  • Select Flight Date.
  • Click the Search button.

Results are displayed like this:

If the originating station has placed the consignment on the next onward flight, this information is displayed in the Status column.

Click the button in the Transfer to Flight section to access the pick-list and select the applicable/correct onward flight. Once complete, select the checkbox in the first column and click the Transfer button to transfer the selected consignment(s).

Amend Storage Locations

Use this to change the Storage Location for an Import consignment.

On this screen:

  • Enter the Consignment Number.
  • Click the View button.

Results are displayed like this:

From here, enter the pieces and weight (Description is optional), then select the Warehouse Location from the list, and click the Save link to add or change the Storage Location info.

Manage Delivery

Consignments for Delivery

To deliver a Consignment, go to Manage Delivery -> Consignments for Delivery:


On this screen:

  • Enter search criteria (one of Consignment (AWB) Number, Consignee Name, From Date, To Date).
  • In the shipment list (search results), click the AWB link (Consignment #) to go to the Deliver Consignment screen.


On the Deliver Consignment screen (shown below):

  • Add notification info - use the listbox, and confirm with the green checkmark.
  • Add relevant remarks (in the Remarks section).
  • Confirm Pieces and Weight. If NOT delivering the entire shipment, change Pieces/Weight as required.
  • Confirm Delivery Date/Time.
  • Enter Collector Name, Delivery Reference No. and Vehicle Registration No.
    • Collector Name - full name of Collector.
    • Delivery Reference No. - enter if applicable (ex: Novex 3111111); or enter N/A.
    • Vehicle Registration No. - enter Collector’s ID # (company/driver # is acceptable).
  • Click the Deliver button to confirm/complete delivery.


Collect Payment:

  • Choose Payment Type from the listbox. (Use Non-Account for cash/credit card/debit card/cheque transactions.)
  • Choose Payment Method from the listbox:

    • Description - Visa, MasterCard, Amex, etc.

    • Amount - collected amount

    • Click the green checkmark to confirm/complete.
  • Click the Deliver button to confirm.

    • If successful, a confirmation message (Consignment Delivered Successfully!) is displayed, and the Invoice and Delivery Receipt are printed.
    • The Invoice and Delivery Receipt can be printed.
    • Have the collector sign the AWB.

Payment Methods:

 Users may enter payment for - Cheque:

or Cash:

Transfer of a Transshipment to an Interline Partner

Here is an example of a transshipment to an interline cargo partner.

Step 1 - Arrive the flight. If everything is confirmed to be on-hand, receive ALL items.

Step 2 - Go to Manage Delivery -> Transhipment Transfer.

Step 3 - Enter the AWB # ONLY, and click Search.

Step 4 - In the search results, click the Consignment # (link).

Step 5 - Select the Delivery Date, and enter:

  • Time

  • Collector Name (Name of signing agent at receiving airline)

  • Delivery Reference No. (Use the Carrier Code.)

  • Vehicle Registration No. (Optional, you may enter ‘x’.)

Then, click the Transfer button.

Step 6 - (optional) Attach the Transhipment Transfer Receipt to the base copy of the Interline Transfer Manifest. (Not required when Interline Transfer Manifests are used.)


Once the transfer is complete, the Shipment History will look like this:

Delivered Consignments

Use this option to view previous deliveries and/or to return delivered consignments.

If financial reporting is out of balance (for example, the Found Cargo transaction (at destination) may cause delivery to NOT be captured), reconciliation may be required. Follow the process below to do this.

Step 1 - Go to Search -> Consignments.

Record the actual date of delivery (A.), and the name of the collector (B.).



Step 2 - Go to Manage Delivery -> Delivered Consignments.

Enter the AWB # (in Consignment Number field), and click Search.

Step 3 - In the search results, click the + link.

Step 4 - In the expanded Delivery Details section, click Un-Deliver Consignment.

Step 5 - Click Un-Deliver to complete the transaction (this returns the item to your base for re-delivery).


When re-delivering the consignment, the original info (date, time, and Collector) is noted.

NOTE: The Pieces and Weight may exceed the original values on the AWB. Leave them as is.

Charges Collect Consignments

Use this report to view the status of Charges Collect Consignments.

Search options include:

  • Consignment Received From/To dates
  • Consignment Origin
  • Consignments Received At
  • Apply Group checkbox

Click View Report, Print Report, or Export to Excel. Results are displayed like this: