Close Check-in (but not Flight)
It’s now possible to Close Check-in (without closing the Flight), which allows the airline to cease check-in operations X mins/hours before departure. This can be useful for operational reasons, ie. to give staff time to properly board checked-in pax, and to help prevent late check-ins from missing their flight.
A button (Q - Close Check-in) has been added for this purpose. The button will become Q - Open Check-in (to allow Check-in to be re-opened) when Check-in is closed. Access to these functions is controlled by these new permissions (in the Reservations -> Operations -> Check In node):
Check In Close - Modify - allows users to change flight status to Check-in Closed.
Check In Open - Modify - allows users to change flight status to Check-in Open.
Late Check In - Access - allows users to override Closed Check-in (Late Check-in).
Figure: Check In form - Check-in Closed
When Check-in is Closed, checked-in passengers can be boarded, but no further check-ins are allowed, unless the user is granted the Late Check In - Access permission. All of this applies to OCI (Online Check-in), as well. No reservations can be booked for a flight in CHECKIN CLOSED status - it will appear to have no/zero availability.