Display Operating Carrier reservation number on reservation screen

Display Operating Carrier reservation number on reservation screen

The system now has the ability to show more than one external locators with the corresponding system code for a reservation. The Locators screen is also updated to show internal and external locators separately.

1. From the Reservation screen, click button  to launch the External Locators screen.

External Locators screen shows a list of system codes and locators. External Locators can be added/edited/deleted when needed if the user has permission External Locator - Modify.

Figure: External Locators screen

2. From the Reservation screen, hold CTRL + SHIFT and click button   to launch the Internal Locator screen.

Internal Locators can be edited/deleted when needed if the user has permission Internal Locator - Modify.

Figure: Internal Locators screen

1407274020_MB__note.pngNOTE: This enhancement will be enabled automatically for all clients in this release.

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