Logging in to ameliaRES from a CUTE Workstation

Logging in to ameliaRES from a CUTE Workstation

Table of Contents


These steps show the ARINC iMUSE platform, but the basic idea is the same for all CUTE / Common-Use providers at various airports.

Note: When the term "CUTE" is used it is referring to a Common-Use environment.

Select your airline from the Common-Use Application Launch Screen

Note: Some screens will look different depending on which Common-Use provider is being used.  The following screen shows a typical ARINC iMuse interface.  SITA, Ultra and others will appear different.

When you first turn on a Common-Use workstation you will be presented with a list of airlines and applications.  Select your airline or application from the list.

Login with your Airport-provided Workstation Credentials

Once you have selected the airline/application you want to start you will be asked to provide credentials that were provided by the airport.  To be clear, these are NOT your ameliaRES login credentials.

Launch the Application

After you have logged in with your airport-provided credentials you will likely see a list of applications you can launch.  Select "amelia", "amelia Checkin", "ameliaRES", "InteliSys" or whatever the airport has named the application

Login to the ameliaRES Portal

Once you have selected the ameliaCHECKIN application you should be presented with the same portal login screen that you would see at any non-Common-Use workstation.  However, you will also see a small window open that shows the connection status of the various printers and scanners that are connected to the Common-Use workstation.  This application is called the Terminal Emulator application.

This screen will show the connection status of each of the peripherals.  Other information is displayed on other tabs.

If this window does not open then you need to contact airport tech support.  Without this window no printer or scanner hardware will work in ameliaRES (at the Common-Use airport).

Terminal Emulator Version

This screen will look slightly different depending on which version of the amelia CUTE Terminal Emulator you are running.  For example, the previous screen shows an older version of the Terminal Emulator.  This following image shows the v2 version of the Terminal Emulator (notice the "Show All Devices" checkbox and the "Waiting for Connection to Host" message):

You can also determine the version of the Terminal Emulator by going to the About tab.  The following shows the Terminal Emulator is v2:

Device Status Prior to Login to ameliaRES

If your version of Terminal Emulator is V1 then at this point the devices will be shown with an "Unknown" status.  That is fine.  When you login to ameliaRES the devices will come online.  You may proceed to logging in to ameliaRES.

If your version of Terminal Emulator is V2 then at this point the devices should start to come online even before you login to ameliaRES.  It is important that you wait for all devices to come online before proceeding with ameliaRES login.

Login to ameliaRES

Login to the amelia portal as you normally would with your amelia login credentials.  You will be presented with your list of amelia applications.  Click on the appropriate application to connect.

Select the Appropriate Airport

When ameliaRES starts you should be presented with the user preferences screen and select the airport you are working from.  It is imperative that you select the Common-Use airport you are working from in this screen.  If you pick any other airport you will still be able to work in amelia and checkin passengers, but no airport specialized printers or scanners will be mapped including the ATB and BTP printers.

IMPORTANT: If you do not see this "User Preferences" dialog pop-up when you login then go to the Operations menu and click Preferences.  This will open the dialog.  Remove the check next to "Don't show this again".

Once you click save on this screen, assuming you picked a Common-Use airport from the drop down, your peripherals will be mapped.  Often you will hear some beeping noises from the printers as logos and PECTABs are loaded into the printers.

Confirm Devices are Mapped

There are two primary areas you can look to confirm the devices are mapped:

The little window that opened when you logged into the Common-Use application shows the status of connected peripherals.  If you open that window again (you may need to use ALT+TAB to open the window if it is now hidden) you should see that the devices are showing "Online" (don't worry if the other devices still show "Unknown").

Also, ameliaRES will show your devices in the lower status bar.  You should see "BTP1: ONLINE ATB1: ONLINE" along with any scanners you have mapped (the list of devices displayed will depend on the devices configured on your local system).  Double clicking on this area of the status bar also opens up an additional window in ameliaRES:

This window shows more detail on the connected devices.  It also has a "Reset Terminal" button that can be used to force the devices to reconnect.  This can be useful in some troubleshooting situations.

If your devices are not showing online or you do not see the "Devices" section in the lower status bar in amelia then the ATB and BTP printers and scanners at the Common-Use workstation will not work.  Please look at the CUTE Troubleshooting Guide for further help.

Use ameliaRES to Checkin Passengers

If you are logging into a Common-Use workstation at an airport you are most likely using it to checkin passengers, print boarding passes and baggage tags.  That being said, once you are logged into ameliaRES you can really do any action you have permission to perform.

Checkin Passengers

Scanning Passenger Documents

If the passenger has a barcoded document such as a Boarding Pass or an ameliaRES Itinerary with a barcode then the barcode scanner can be used to quickly locate the passenger.  The flight must be pre-selected for this to work.k

Printing ATB/BTP Documents

The ameliaRES checkin module is used to checkin passengers.  This module will print boarding passes and baggage tags.  However you must select the appropriate printer before you can print either of these documents.  There are two methods of selecting the printer:

  1. The first time you print a boarding pass or baggage tag from an ameliaRES session you will automatically be prompted to select the printer you want to use.  Just click on the drop-down to see the list of printers available for the action you are trying to perform - boarding pass printer (ATB) or baggage tag printer (BTP).  Once you click "Save" the document will print.  The selection will be saved for this session and you will not need to select the printer again.
    1. The only disadvantage to this method is that the document will not automatically print the first time.  If you have the "auto print" feature turned on then the boarding pass will automatically print when you checkin the passenger. Obviously this won't work if you need to select the printer the first time.  Subsequent checkins will automatically print.
  2. You can pre-select your printers in the checkin module by pressing and holding CTRL+SHIFT+F5 (or pressing the "Set Printers" button that appears when you press CTRL+SHIFT).  This will let you pre-set both the ATB and BTP printers.  Auto-printing will now work right from the first passenger action.

Exit the Application

Once you are done with ameliaRES, be sure to exit the application and logout of the CUTE workstation such that you are returned to the CUTE application selection screen

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