1 - Reservation Selector

1 - Reservation Selector

InteliSys Aviation Systems


Reservation Selector

The Reservation Selector screen can be accessed from the menu (Operations -> Reservations), or using the keyboard shortcut CTRL+R.


Figure 1: Reservation Selector screen

Table 1: Reservation Selector Descriptions

Exact Match OnlyWhen selected, only searches for reservations exactly matching the selected search criteria.
SearchClick the Search button to return existing reservations based on your current search criteria.
ReturnWhen selected, limits the number of reservations returned (<= 100, for example).
Switch Reservations

Simultaneously hold down Ctrl+Shift and one of the F1-F10 function keys to move between up to 10 open reservations without having to re-open and close the files.

You may also click an open reservation listed in this section to switch to it.

By FareUse to create a reservation by finding the lowest fare available. (Only default fare classes are displayed and sold-out flights are not included.)
By ScheduleUse to create a reservation from a complete flight availability display.

Use to make standby listings for either revenue standby passengers or space-available employee travel.

Seats are not allocated, as a Standby booking only requires a seat once confirmed.

GroupAllows you to create a group reservation with more than 10 passengers.
View HistoryUse to view changes made to the selected reservation. The date/time, agent name, and type of change are displayed.
Check FaresA quick way to view fares - only the base fare is shown.
Adv SearchAllows you to search for a specific ticket #, credit card #, GDS locator, or phone #. Use this feature when agents cannot find a reservation by name, date, or departure city.
Scanner Not ReadyThis displays the status of an attached Barcode Scanner. Click this indicator and scan an Itinerary once it turns green. The associated reservation is then displayed.
PrintUse to print the results of the current search.
Pax ListUse to view passenger manifests by selected travel dates and flight #.

Reservation Search

Search Results

Regardless of the methods or criteria used to search, the search results always appear the same way within the Search Results area of the Reservation Selector. The search results are color-coded according to a legend at the bottom of the Reservation Selector screen - to differentiate between Application Bookings, Web Bookings, Group Bookings, and On Hold Bookings.

Though reservations may have multiple passengers, only the primary passenger’s name appears in the search results.

Reservations with an available credit owing to the passenger will display with the following icon:

Search by Reservation Number

To locate a reservation using its reservation number, you may enter this number in the text box above the 1 - RES # label. You should make sure all other criteria are empty before selecting S - Search. If a reservation is found, it is displayed in the results area of the Reservation Selector. Double-click on a reservation in the search results to open it.


Figure 2: Search by Reservation Number

If Exact Match Only is checked, only the reservation with that number is returned. If Exact Match Only is NOT checked, the search will return all reservations matching the entered criteria, starting at the number entered.

Search by Name

Reservations can be located by entering one of the passenger’s names in the text boxes above the 2 - Passenger Name label. The name should be entered in the LastName, FirstName format.


Figure 3: Search by Passenger Name

Search by Flight Date

To search for reservations by flight date, select a date from the dropdown calendar above the 3 - Date label.


Figure 4: Search by Flight Date

Search by Departure Airport

To search for reservations by departure airport, enter an airport code in the text box above the 4 - Depart label.


Figure 5: Search by Departure Airport

No Matching Results

If a search returns No Matching Results, this means the search criteria was either invalid or too specific. You may want to modify the criteria, or quickly clear it using the ESC key.

Returning to Reservation Selector

To return to the Reservation Selector screen from an open reservation, you may click the 9 - Res Search button, or minimize the current Reservation window. The reservation remains open and available in the Switch Reservation area of the Reservation Selector screen.

Advanced Reservation Search

The Advanced Search screen can be opened by clicking on the A - Adv Search button on the Reservation Selector screen. Advanced Search provides additional criteria (used with the criteria selected on the main search screen) for Reservation Search.


Figure 6: Advanced Search

Booking Date

If the booking date is an important factor in your search, enter a date range in the Booking Date section. Otherwise, put a checkmark in Ignore Booking Date.

Reservation Type

In this section, you may choose any combination of booking origin for inclusion in the search results: Call Center, Web, and GDS.

On Hold

In this section, you may choose any combination of hold status for inclusion in the search results: On Hold, and Not On Hold.

Search Type

In this section, you choose the primary criterion for your search. You may search by Ticket Number, Locator Number, Credit Card Number, Phone Number, or Passport Number.

Check Fares

You can use the Check Fares function to quickly locate available fares for a city pair. To access the Check Fares screen, click on the 9 - Check Fares button at the bottom of the Reservation Selector screen.


Figure 7: Check Fares screen

Search Results

The results are displayed in the bottom section of the Check Fares screen. The price shown in the Fare column reflects the base price of the fare, not including other charges or taxes. Select a fare and its final price, including charges and taxes, is displayed in blue (FARE:) above the 5 - Outbound section.

Passenger List

The passenger list for a flight can be quickly displayed by clicking the P - Pax List button from the Reservation Selector screen.

On the Passenger List screen, select the date and the flight for which you want the passenger list.


Figure 8: Passenger List - Search screen


The search results are displayed in the amelia Report Viewer. You may print the results, or save the list as an HTML file.


Figure 9: Passenger List - results in Report Viewer

Creating a Reservation

To begin the booking process, open the Reservation Selector screen. There are four different ways to create a reservation: By Fare, By Schedule, Standby, and Group.

By Fare

To create a reservation By Fare, click the 6 - By Fare button on the Reservation Selector screen. Only the lowest-priced fare for returned flights will be displayed.



Figure 10: By Fare Search

Table 2: By Fare Screen Descriptions

Select Profile

When creating a reservation for a repeat customer, the customer’s profile may be selected from here.

This will pre-populate the Primary Contact for the booking with the selected customer’s personal information.

DateDeparture Date of the flight.
DepartureDeparture airport for the flight.
ArrivalDestination airport for the flight.
Return TripIf checked, create a return reservation. A Date for the return flight must be selected.
Search DaysExpand the search by a number of days - if the passenger’s flight dates aren’t strict.
Class of ServiceThe Class of Service (ex: Economy) to use for the search.
PassengersThe number of adults and children to book on the reservation.
CurrencySelect the currency to use for the reservation.
AgencySelect the Agency used to create the booking.
CompanyIf the passenger(s) belong to a company account, you may select the account from this dropdown list.
Locate UsingThese options are used to change the ordering of items in the Agency and Company dropdowns.
Promo CodeIf booking with a Promo Code, enter it here and it will carry over to the Flight Availability screen.

Flight Availability

The Flight Availability screen is the second (2) step when booking a By Fare reservation. As flights are selected, the Total Cost label will be updated to show the total cost of the fares, including any additional charges and taxes. If a Promo Code was used on the By Fare screen, it is applied here. When the Promo Code is valid, a message in green is displayed and the discount (ex: 10%) appears in the Fare column. If it’s not valid, a message in red is displayed and no discount is applied.


Figure 11: By Fare - Flight Availability screen

If the desired flights don’t appear, you may click the 5 - Advanced button to modify the search parameters, such as connection times and stop-over time limits.

At this point, click the 3 - Confirm button to complete the booking. If a flight is full, you may be able to click the 4 - Waitlist button (with the proper Permissions) to create a Waitlist booking instead.

By Schedule

To create a reservation By Schedule, click the 7 - By Schedule button on the Reservation Selector screen. The By Schedule booking process allows you to choose from a combination of flights and fares, rather than just the lowest-priced fare.



Figure 12: By Schedule Search

Table 3: By Schedule Screen Descriptions

Select Profile

When creating a reservation for a repeat customer, the customer’s profile may be selected from here.

This will pre-populate the Primary Contact for the booking with the selected customer’s personal information.

DateDeparture Date of the flight.
FromDeparture airport for the flight.
ToDestination airport for the flight.
Return TripIf checked, create a return reservation. A Date for the return flight must be selected.
Open ReturnIf checked, the Return trip is left open - the passenger can specify the flight and date for it at a later time.
CurrencySelect the currency to use for the reservation.
AgencySelect the Agency used to create the booking.
CompanyIf the passenger(s) belong to a company account, you may select the account from this dropdown list.
Locate UsingThese options are used to change the ordering of items in the Agency and Company dropdowns.

Flight Availability

The Flight Availability screen is the second (2) step when booking a By Schedule reservation. Select suitable options for both flights (if Return was selected) from this screen.


Figure 13: By Schedule - Flight Availability screen

If the desired flights don’t appear, you may click the 5 - Advanced button to modify the search parameters, such as connection times and stop-over time limits.

At this point, click the 3 - Confirm button to complete the booking. If a flight is full, you may be able to click the 4 - Waitlist button (with the proper Permissions) to create a Waitlist booking instead.

Fare Class Selection

The Fare Class Selection screen is the third (3) step in the By Schedule booking process. This is where you specify the number of passengers (Adults and Children) and select fares for them. As fares are selected, the Total Cost label will be updated to show the total cost of the fares, including any additional charges and taxes. Note that you must select fares for Adults and Children (if any) to continue with the booking process.


Figure 14: By Schedule - Fare Class Selection screen

Table 4: Fare Class Selection Screen Descriptions

AdultsThe number of adults on this reservation.
ChildrenThe number of children on this reservation.
BookUse to create a reservation with the selected fare(s).
Quote DetailsShows a detailed view of charges associated with this reservation.
SelectUse to apply selected fare to passenger(s).
RulesUse to show the rules associated with the currently-selected fare.
Show All FaresUse to show all fares for the selected flight, even unavailable or sold out fares.
Show FaresUse to display a specific type of fare. Different types are shown depending on your system configuration.
Promo Code / Apply PromoIf booking with a Promo Code, enter it here and it will be validated. If valid (message in green), click Apply Promo to use it.


To create a Standby reservation, click the B - Standby button on the Reservation Selector screen. A Standby reservation does not reserve a seat on the booked flight. A seat is only reserved once the reservation becomes confirmed.

Otherwise, the procedure for creating a Standby reservation is identical to that for a By Schedule reservation.


To create a Group reservation, click the G - Group button on the Reservation Selector screen. A Group booking allows you to book a greater number of passengers than other reservation types.

Otherwise, the procedure for creating a Group reservation is identical to that for a By Schedule reservation.


A Waitlist reservation can be created while booking a By Fare, By Schedule, or Group reservation, when a particular flight is sold out. A Waitlist booking is used to put the passenger(s) on the flight’s waitlist (first-in, first-out) - an alert will be generated when a seat becomes available.

Figure 15: Flight Availability - Waitlist

After the reservation is created, a number next to the WAITLISTED status (in the STATUS column) indicates its position in the waitlist queue.

Figure 16: Segment Status - Waitlist position


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