1 - Core Items
Core Items
The Core Items screens are where you set up and maintain the framework of your airline, including everything from airports, aircraft models, and currencies to delay codes and users/groups. Core Items are common to ameliaRES and ameliaCREW, and are accessible from both applications.
Time Zone Definitions Screen
The Time Zone Definitions screen allows you to configure the time zones for your system. Access it from the menu (Utilities -> CORE Items -> Time Zones).
WARNING: At least one Time Zone must exist before adding airports.
Figure 1: Time Zone Definitions screen
NOTE: The GMT Offset allows values with 2 decimal places (ex: 5.75), but some values are not allowed by the validation (ex: 4.25).
Adding Time Zones
To add a time zone, click the Add button on the Time Zone Definitions screen. You can specify time changes (for time zones that observe Daylight Saving Time) using specified dates/times or with a formula. Click the S - Save button to complete the operation.
Figure 2: Time Zone Definitions screen - Add/Edit mode
Editing Time Zones
To edit an existing time zone, select it and click the Edit button on the Time Zone Definitions screen. The screen will switch into Add/Edit mode, where you can make the required changes. Click the S - Save button to complete the operation.
Deleting Time Zones
To delete a time zone, select it and click the Delete button on the Time Zone Definitions screen.
Country Administration Screen
The Country Administration screen allows you to configure the countries and provinces/states available in your system. Access it from the menu (Utilities -> CORE Items -> Countries).
Figure 3: Country Administration screen
Airports Screen
The Airports screen allows you to configure the airports serviced by your airline. Access it from the menu (Utilities -> CORE Items -> Airports).
Figure 4: Airports screen
Adding an Airport
To add an airport, click the Add button on the Airports screen. The screen will switch into Add/Edit mode, where you can enter the required details. Click the S - Save button to complete the operation.
Figure 5: Airports screen - Add/Edit mode
Editing an Airport
To edit an existing airport, select it and click the Edit button on the Airports screen. The screen will switch into Add/Edit mode, where you can make the required changes. Click the S - Save button to complete the operation.
Deleting an Airport
To delete an airport, select it and click the Delete button on the Airports screen.
Aircraft Model Administration Screen
The Aircraft Models screen allows you to configure the A/C models available for use by your airline. Access it from the menu (Utilities -> CORE Items -> Aircraft Models).
Figure 6: Aircraft Models screen
Adding an Aircraft Model
To add an aircraft model, click the Add button on the Aircraft Models screen. The Adding Aircraft Model screen is displayed, where you can enter the required details. Click the OK button to complete the operation.
Figure 7: Adding Aircraft Model screen
Editing an Aircraft Model
To edit an existing aircraft model, select it and click the Edit button on the Aircraft Models screen. The Editing Aircraft Model screen is displayed, where you can make the required changes. Click the OK button to complete the operation.
Deleting an Aircraft Model
To delete an aircraft model, select it and click the Delete button on the Aircraft Models screen.
Aircraft Fleet Administration Screen
The Aircraft Fleet Administration screen allows you to enter the individual aircraft (Tails) used by your airline, including the tail ID, serial #, etc. Access it from the menu (Utilities -> CORE Items -> Aircraft Fleet).
Figure 8: Aircraft Fleet Administration screen
Adding an Aircraft / Tail
To add an aircraft, click the Add button on the Aircraft Administration screen. The Adding Aircraft screen is displayed, where you can enter the required details. Click the OK button to complete the operation.
Figure 9: Adding Aircraft screen
Editing an Aircraft / Tail
To edit an existing aircraft, select it and click the Edit button on the Aircraft Administration screen. The Editing Aircraft screen is displayed, where you can make the required changes. Click the OK button to complete the operation.
Deleting an Aircraft / Tail
To delete an aircraft, select it and click the Delete button on the Aircraft Administration screen.
Currency Administration Screen
The Currency Administration screen allows you to configure the currencies used by your airline, and set the exchange rates between them. Access it from the menu (Utilities -> CORE Items -> Currencies).
Figure 10: Currency Administration screen
Adding a Currency
To add a currency, click the Add button on the Currency Administration screen. The Adding Currency screen is displayed, where you can enter the required details. Click the OK button to complete the operation.
Figure 11: Adding Currency screen
NOTE: When adding a currency, the exchange rates must also be set.
Editing a Currency
To edit an existing currency, select it and click the Edit button on the Currency Administration screen. The Editing Currency screen is displayed, where you can make the required changes. Click the OK button to complete the operation.
Deleting a Currency
To delete a currency, select it and click the Delete button on the Currency Administration screen.
Adding Exchange Rates
To set exchange rates for a currency, select it on the Currency Administration screen. Right-click in the bottom left grid and select Add Rate from the context menu. The Adding Exchange Rate screen is displayed, where you can specify exchange rate and effective date. Click the OK button to complete the operation.
NOTE: The Exchange Rate is set between the selected currency and the base currency. Set the Exchange Rate to 1 if editing the base currency, or if selected currency is equivalent.
Airport Currency Configuration Screen
The Airport Currency Configuration screen allows you to set the currency used at each airport. Access it from the menu (Utilities -> CORE Items -> Airport Currency Configurations).
NOTE: Airports without a currency assigned will automatically use the system's base currency.
Figure 12: Airport Currency Configuration screen
Assigning an Airport Currency
To assign a currency to an airport, select it and click the Add button on the Airport Currency Configuration screen. The Add Airport screen is displayed, where you can select the airport in question. Click the Add button to complete the operation.
NOTE: Each airport can have only one currency assigned, If an airport is not listed on the Add Airport screen, you may have to remove the other assigned currency.
Un-assigning an Airport Currency
To un-assign a currency, select it and select the airport in question on the Airport Currency Configuration screen. Click the Remove button to complete the operation.
Tax Configuration Screen
The Tax Configuration screen allows you to define the taxation rates and rules used in your system. Access it from the menu (Utilities -> CORE Items -> Tax Configurations).
Figure 13: Tax Configuration screen
Adding a Tax Configuration
To add a tax configuration, click the Add button on the Tax Configuration screen. The screen will switch into Add/Edit mode, where you can enter the name, currency, and rules for the tax configuration. Click the Save button to complete the operation.
TIP: Use the calculator to test your tax rules.
Figure 14: Tax Configuration screen - Add/Edit mode
Editing a Tax Configuration
To edit an existing tax configuration, select it and click the Edit button on the Tax Configuration screen. The screen will switch into Add/Edit mode, where you can make the required changes. Click the Save button to complete the operation.
Deleting a Tax Configuration
To delete a tax configuration, select it and click the Delete button on the Tax Configuration screen.
Airport Tax Configurations Screen
The Airport Tax Configurations screen allows you to assign the tax configuration used at each airport. Access it from the menu (Utilities -> CORE Items -> Airport Tax Configurations).
NOTE: Airports without a specific tax configuration assigned will automatically use the default tax configuration.
Figure 15: Airport Tax Configuration screen
Assigning an Airport Tax Configuration
To assign an airport tax configuration, select the airport and click the Edit button on the Airport Tax Configurations screen. Select the desired tax configuration from the Name listbox and click the Save button.
Delay Code Categories Screen
The Delay Code Categories screen allows you to define the categories available for your delay codes. Access it from the menu (Utilities -> CORE Items -> Delay Code Categories).
Figure 16: Delay Code Categories screen
Delay Codes Screen
The Delay Codes screen allows you to configure the delay codes used by your airline. Access it from the menu (Utilities -> CORE Items -> Delay Codes).
Figure 17: Delay Codes screen
User Management Screen
The User Management screen is used to view, create, edit, or remove amelia users. Access it from the menu (Utilities -> CORE Items -> Users).
Figure 18: User Management screen
Adding a User
To add a user, click the Add button on the User Management screen. The Add New User screen is displayed, where you can enter the required details. Click the OK button to complete the operation.
Figure 19: Add New User screen
Editing a User
To edit an existing user, select it and click the Edit button on the User Management screen. The Edit User Info screen is displayed, where you can make the required changes. Click the OK button to complete the operation.
Expire User's Password
Select one or more users and click the Expire button to mark their passwords as expired. Users without permission to change their own password will need to contact an administrator to do so.
User Permissions
Permissions determine the screens and functions that a user can access. To change a user’s permissions, select the user and click the Permissions... button on the User Management screen. This opens the Permissions Management screen for the selected user. To grant, deny or remove individual permissions, simply right-click on them and select the appropriate action from the context menu.
Figure 20: Permissions Management screen
NOTE: Granted permissions are shown in GREEN. Denied permissions are shown in RED.
Table 1: Permission Icons Legend
Icon | Description |
Permission is granted on individual level. | |
Permission is granted on group level. | |
Permission is denied on individual level. | |
Permission is NOT granted. |
Groups Management Screen
The Groups Management screen allows you to set up groups of amelia users and set permissions at the group level. This saves time because permissions do not need to be granted or denied for each individual user. Access it from the menu (Utilities -> CORE Items -> Groups).
Figure 21: Groups Management screen
Adding a Group
To add a group, click the Add button on the Groups Management screen. The Add New Group screen is displayed, where you can enter the required details. Click the OK button to complete the operation.
Copying a Group
You can also make a copy of an existing Group, to assign the same Permissions to it. Click the Copy button on the Groups Management screen to begin. The new Group will have no Users (User assignments are NOT copied), but this can be useful to set up a Group with a similar function or purpose because the Permissions are set exactly the same as the Group that is copied.
Adding Users to a Group
To add users to a group, select the group on the Groups Management screen, then right-click in the Members area and select Add User to Group from the context menu. The Select the Users screen is displayed, where you can select the appropriate users. Click the OK button to complete the operation.
Group Permissions
Permissions determine the screens and functions that users in a group can access. To change group permissions, select the group and click the Permissions... button on the Groups Management screen. This opens the Permissions Management screen for the selected group. To grant, deny or remove individual permissions, simply right-click on them and select the appropriate action from the context menu.