ameliaCARGO August 2016 Release Notes
ameliaCARGO Release Notes - August 2016
Rating - Charge Types
The Rating system has been updated to add a new charge type, Type A - Charge by Actual Weight. If a rate is created as type A, the system will calculate charges based on the physical weight.
Existing charge types include:
- Type P - will calculate charges based on the number of pieces on the waybill.
- Type F - a fixed charge amount.
- Type W - will calculate charges based on the chargeable weight on the waybill (chargeable weight is the greater of physical weight or volume weight).
Public CMS
Users may customize their public CARGO website via the new Public CMS. A user guide is available.
Quotation Print
The Quotation Print has been updated to break down the charges by freight charge, additional charges, and tax.
Reprint Transfer Receipt
The user may now reprint the Transfer Receipt using the Delivered Consignments screen. Enter the waybill number, and select Print Delivery Receipt.
Manage Rates
Manage Rates - Rates Bulk Update by File has been enhanced. The process now runs every night, and can be used to change the Rates Expiry date, to add new rates, and to update or delete existing rates.
Manage Customer - Adjust Credit
The update of customer credit has been enhanced - two new fields have been added.
Update Credit Limit allows the user to add or subtract credit in the amount in the Credit Limit field. To add credit, enter a positive amount. To reduce credit, enter a negative amount (e.g. '-1000' will reduce the Credit Limit by 1000).
Credit Used can also be updated using the Credit Used field. To increase used credit, enter a positive amount. To reduce used credit, enter a negative amount (e.g. '-1000' will reduce the Credit Used by 1000).