Setting up Promo Codes

This article describes how to setup fare and discount promo codes.

Fare Promo Codes

Create Fare Promo Code

  • Login to amelia Desktop
  • Go to Utilities/Promo Codes and select Add at bottom of screen.
  • Select Fare for Type:

  • Enter a unique Promo Code value in the Code field.
  • Enter a description for this promo code.  This is a mandatory field.
  • Fare promo codes can be setup to be limited or unlimited.
    • For unlimited, keep the Allocation selected for Unlimited:

      This means an unlimited number of PAX can use this promo code.

    • For limited, unselect Unlimited for Allocation and enter the number of times the promo code can be used:

  • Fare promo codes can be setup to be Auto-Generated or not.
    • For NON auto-generated, do not check the Auto-Generate checkbox.

      For NON Auto-Generated Promo Codes

       The Code entry is the value a PAX or agent needs to enter during booking as the Promo Code.

    • For auto-generated, select the Auto-Generate checkbox.
    • Enter the number of suffixes to generate and the number of times you want to allow each suffix to be used.  You cannot generate more suffixes than what you have allocated in the Allocation field above.

    • Click Save.
    • When you reopen the fare promo code just created by either double clicking on it or selecting it and clicking Edit, it will now contain a button called Suffixes.  
    • Click Suffixes.  It will contain the generated promo code suffixes.  The allocated field will tell you often the suffixes can be used.  

    • You can generate more suffixes by entering Additional Suffixes, Allocation and clicking Generate.  Again the total number of suffixes cannot exceed the value specified in the Allocation field (either set to Unlimited or specified value)

      For Auto-Generated Promo Codes

      The Code entry followed by suffixes (with or without a dash) make up the value a PAX or agent needs to enter during booking as the Promo Code.

  • The Agency Applicability tab can be used restrict a promo code to an agency (ies).  If no agencies are selected, than the promo code is valid for everyone.
  • The Validation Criteria tab can be used to display a message when a reservation that used a promo code is checking in.  See spec.
  • The Blackout Dates tab allows for preventing date(s)/time(s) within the Travel Date range for a promo code to be used.  The start and end dates are stored in UTC and displayed in the timezone of the base airport (BR367).

Associate Fare Promo Code with a Company

If you are creating this Fare Promo code for the public IBE, you do NOT want to associate it with a company. In this case, skip this procedure and go to Associate Fare Promo Code to a Fare for a City Pair(s).

  • Go to Utilities/Inventory Setup and select the Fare Class you would like to add the promotion on (from bottom left screen).
  • Click Company
  • Select the company(ies) you would like to associate the fare promo code to and click Save

Associate Fare Promo Code to a Fare for a City Pair(s)

  • Go to Utilities/Fares Setup and select the city pair you would like the promotion on.
  • Double click on the Fare Class you would like to add the promotion on.
  • Select the appropriate promo code from the Promo Codes drop down.  If you want the promo code to also be applicable for return of city pair selected, keep the Copy to <<departure airport code>>-<<destination airport code>> checkbox selected.

  • Click Save

Discount Promo Codes

Setup Discounts

  • Login to amelia Desktop
  • Go to Utilities/Discounts
  • If the discount you want to provide for your promo code does not exist, click Add. (Otherwise, go to Create Discount Promo Code)
  • Enter an ID Code, a Description and Rate (Discount)
  • Click Save

Create Discount Promo Code

  • Go to Utilities/Promo Codes
  • Click Add
  • Keep Discount as the Type
  • Enter a unique Promo Code value in the Code field.
  • Enter a description for this promo code.  This is a mandatory field.
  • Select the discount percentage in the Discount field.
  • Set Book From and To for the booking date range that you want the promo code to be available.
  • Set Travel From and To for the travel date range that you want the promo code to be available.  However, if the departure date/time is during a blackout (set in Blackout Dates tab), the promo code will not be able to be applied.
  • Discount promo codes can be setup to be limited or unlimited.
    • For unlimited, keep the Allocation selected for Unlimited:

    • For limited, unselect Unlimited for Allocation and enter the number of times the promo code can be used:

  • Discount promo codes can be setup to be Auto-Generated or not.
    • For NOT auto-generated, do not select the Auto-Generate checkbox.



    • For auto-generated, select the Auto-Generate checkbox; enter number of suffixes to generate and how many times they can be used; and click Save.  When reopen the discount promo code by either double clicking on it or selecting it and clicking Edit, it will now contain a button called Suffixes.  Click Suffixes to see the suffixes generated.  You can also generate more suffixes from this screen.

      For Auto-Generated Promo Codes

      The Code entry followed by suffixes (with or without a dash) make up the value a PAX or agent needs to enter during booking as the Promo Code.

  • On Market Applicability tab, you need to select which city pairs you want the discount to be applicable and also the fare classes that it can be applied to.  If Route Types and Fare Families are enabled in your system, you may filter on them while working with Promo Codes.
  • The Agency Applicability tab can be used restrict a promo code to an agency (ies).  If no agencies are selected, than the promo code is valid for everyone.
  • On Validation Criteria tab, you can chose to display a message when a reservation that used a promo code is checking in.  See spec.
  • The Blackout Dates tab allows for preventing date(s)/time(s) within the Travel Date range for a promo code to be used.  The start and end dates are stored in UTC and displayed in the timezone of the base airport (BR367).


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