Setting up a Charter Flight to Accept Bookings

Setting up a Charter Flight to Accept Bookings

The below article outlines the steps required to manage a Charter flight(designated as Type Charter) in ameliaRES.  This would be used if the customer needed to issue boarding cards for the charter flight but not have the flight visible on the IBE for public bookings and not available in the regular travel options display for call centre agents.

Step-by-step guide


Have a seat allocation template created for the AC model being used that has the booking code for charter pricing allocated. Please ensure that whichever agency you choose to allocate the charter booking code(s) to, the users who will actually be making charter bookings are members of that agency. If not, the fare will show as not available.

Charter Flight Creation

  1. Log in to ameliaRES
  2. Open Operations --> Flight Management --> Flight Scheduling(adhoc Charter could be created from Routes if it is a regular charter)

  3. Edit the From and TO date filter to select the date(s) of the Charter
  4. Click Save Filter
  5. Click Add
  6. Enter Flight Details in the flight scheduling window, the same as creating a regular scheduled flight but set the Type to Charter
  7. Click Save
  8. The allocation Template window will pop up at this time.  Select the seat allocation template created for the Charter flight configuration from the dropdown. Please ensure that whichever agency you choose to allocate the charter booking code(s) to, the users who will actually be making charter bookings are members of that agency. If not, the fare will show as not available.
  9. Click Apply

Adding Reservations to the Charter Flight

Open Operations --> Check in

  1. Select the flight date of the Charter
  2. Select the departure City
  3. Select the Charter Flight
  4. Click Add Passenger
  5. Enter the number of passengers to add
  6. Select the fare
  7. Confirm booking
  8. Add passenger details
  9. Collect payment
  10. Perform Check in Procedure when ready

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