Cannot Open Charges Screen

Cannot Open Charges Screen


Reservation that has had changes made to it via API or res made via API crashes ameliaRES when you try and open the check in screen. A runtime error which advises that "Multiple Step operation generated errors. Check each status value"


Sometimes the values that come in via the API's are not always properly data validated. We have no control over this, as it is up to each organization to ensure that their 3rd party API developers are using the appropriate data validation. In this instance this error advises us that a value in the reservation is not correct and we must review the reservation to find the cause. 

  1. Once you have re-started amelia res, post crash, reopen the reservation that you crashed on. Do not open the charges screen
  2. Review the names of each of the passengers on the reservation.
  3. While looking at each name, take note of any names that may have extra spaces in them. This is the reason the charges screen will not populate. It is because there is a name that is too long for the form that is trying to display it.
  4. Once you have found the name that needs to be fixed click on the passenger information section of the screen to bring up the "Change Pax" screen.
  5. Once change pax is available, click it.
  6. You can now see the passenger information screen. Scroll down in the passenger list to find the name with extra spaces.
  7. Once you have found the name with extra spaces, click on the name to highlight it.
  8. from there click the "Edit" button. Then remove the extra spaces from the name and save your changes.
  9. Do not apply a fee. Remove the fee because this is not the passengers mistake, this is a mistake with the 3rd party created site. It is not a passenger inititated change and the passenger should not be subject to those fees.
  10. Attempt to open the charges screen. If the error persists, review other passenger names for extra spaces and remove the extra spaces as you find them.
  11. Report to your 3rd party API development team advising that extra spaces can be entered in names, so that they may correct this on their end.

** Keep in mind that only really excessive spaces (20+ spaces) will cause this to happen. Even still, there should be no unwanted spaces in any passenger names. Remove all spaces you find.

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