Access the Day of Operations screen from the Operations -> Crew Rostering -> Day Of Ops menu. The criteria screen allows selection of Position, A/C Type, Base, Time Zone.
These default to:
Position = Captain
A/C Type = first on list
Base = user’s preferences
Time Zone: same as Base
When Continue is selected, date range defaults to current date and displays buttons to view previous day, current day and next day at the top of the screen with the following criteria that can be changed:
When select Change Criteria, users are allowed to change the date to anything outside of Previous Day, Current Day or Next Day.
Options menu
A Day of Operations screen (accessed from Operations -> Crew Rostering -> Day Of Ops menu) has been added to ameliaCREW. This new form allows you to get a crew-centric view of crew members working on a given day, and add or change assignments as needed to address operational irregularities.
The Day of Ops screen functions like the existing Schedule Editor, except only 1 day is being displayed at any time, and the view is focused on available crew members. Crew is color-coded - red indicates expired training event(s), while orange indicates alert/alarm (will expire soon) training event(s). A dialog is displayed if assigning or reassigning events to crew members in those situations. Applicable limitations (ex: CARS regulations) are checked/enforced the same as always as flights and non-fly events are assigned, re-assigned, or unassigned.
Figure: Day of Operations screen
Two new permissions control access to it:
Day Of Operations - Access
- Day Of Operations - Modify