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ameliaCARGO Release Notes - February 2019

Changes in this Release:

1 - GSA Functionality

The GSA Functionality comprises new modules designed for General Sales Agents and Discounted Wholesale contracts.

General Sales Agents

In this context, the modules are for use by an airline that fully or partially sell cargo space to a GSA for contracted rates. The GSA may then sell that space to their customers at their own rates. This includes new screens for the GSA to create their own customers and cargo rates, which will appear on the waybill.

Discounted Wholesale contracts

In this context, these functions are designed for use by an airline that negotiates a discount or special rate based upon a guaranteed daily fixed minimum charge for X flights. Contracts for both options are configured through a new Manage Flights Contract screen.

2 - Send Email

A Send Email process has been added to provide Waybill and Manifest information. A Send Email screen has been added, together with the addition of a Send Email button at the end of the Waybill creation on the Public System and Operations System. The system will send an email to the shipper and consignee if their email addresses are on the waybill record; charges may be hidden. 

If a flight number and date are entered, the system will send details of all waybills on the entered flight from the user's airport to each customer, advising the shipper that the consignment has departed the origin airport. If the flight is going a waybill final destination, it will also send an email to the consignee, advising of the flight arrival time.

Automatic Send Email

In addition to the manual process above, a new automatic Send Email process is in place.

The new process, if enabled, will automatically send emails a follows:

  • If a Customer has not paid for a Non Account shipment, it will send a payment reminder email.
  • If a Customer's credit is low, it will send an email to System Administrators every 24 hours.
  • After a waybill is completed, it will send an email to the shipper and consignee; the charges are hidden.
  • After a flight has departed, it will send an email to customers whose shipments are on the flight.

3 - Offload Consignment Individual

Screen returned to operation after bug fix for transit waybills.

4 - Amend Consignment Charges

Fixed error message that advised Customer did not have credit when changing to Non-Revenue consignment.

5 - Manage Customer

Credit Limit and Credit Used now allow values greater than 1,000,000.

6 - Manifest Report

A subtotal has been added for manifested ULDs. The manifest has been updated to display 'NIL MANIFEST' if there is no Cargo for the Manifest.

7 - Search Flight Schedule

Search Flight Scheduled display has been updated to display the correct actual departure / arrival times.

8 - Performance Alert Report

The Performance Alert report has been updated so that waybill number is clearly visible, regardless of background color.

9 - Public Logged in Customer

The Public Customer Login has been updated to correct a bug where logging onto multiple customer accounts through the public system could display the previous customer's data. (This bug did not occur for customers.)

10 - Public View Credit

The view of a customer's available credit in the Public System has been updated to refresh each the customer views it.

The system may also be configured to switch off the view of the customer's available credit.

11 - Amend Mail

The Amend Mail screen has been updated to correct an issue where, for some amendments, caused a failure when amending mail shipments.

12 - Amend Consignment Charges

An issue that occurred when converting an Employee Rate shipment to a normal-rated shipment, and also changing the waybill from Prepaid to Collect, has been corrected.

13 - Amend Consignment

Amend Consignment has been updated to allow more/longer text in Remarks and Special Remarks.

14 - ULDs at Airport

The ULD at Airport screen has been updated to increase paging options (visible when hundreds of ULDs exist / are available).

15 - Search Rates

A pick-list has been added to select Prepaid or Collect during the Search for Rates - users can search for Prepaid-only or Collect-only rates.

16 - Amended Waybills Report

This new report lists all waybills that have been amended during the selected period.

17 - Weight On Hand Report

This new report lists weight on hand. If the selected airport is empty, it will report on weight on hand across your network. If the local airport is selected, the report will be broken down by route from that airport.

18 - Search Reservations

Two new fields have been added to the options for Search Reservations - 'From Airport' and 'To Airport', to enable users to filter searches by route in addition to searching by flight number and/or date.

19 - Search Reservations Queue

A 'Flight Number' field has been added to the options for Search Reservations Queue, to enable users to filter searches by flight number and date.

20 - Consignment On Hold Process

The Consignment On Hold process is a mechanism for users to place a consignment on shipping hold.

When a consignment is placed On Hold, it will NOT appear on the Pre Allocation screen and cannot be loaded onto a flight. Additionally, it will not appear on the On Hand Report.

21 - Consignment On Hold Reports

Two new reports have been added: The Consignments On Hold Report - users can check for any consignments that are currently On Hold, and the Consignments On Hold History Report - to view the history of all consignments of that are or have been On Hold and their current Hold status.

22 - Waybill Print Display of Charges

The Additional Charges break-down on the Waybill print has been enhanced to display more information regarding the ancillary charges.

23 - PIN Number

A 'PIN Number' field has been added to the Create Consignment and Amend Consignment screens. This can be enabled or disabled for your airline - If switched on, each user must enter their own, private PIN to save the waybill; otherwise, the transaction will NOT be saved.

24 - Over Shipped Cargo

A new process is in place to update a consignment in the event that it was accidentally loaded onto a flight and has departed the airport. This process allows you to allocate and manifest the consignment and update the tracking and accounting.

25 - Service Level Agreements (SLA) Upgrade

The system has been enhanced to add color-coding for waybills that have an alert or failed SLA status. Waybills with an alert status are shown in YELLOW, while those with a failed status are displayed in RED. This color code will appear on the Pre Allocation Report and On Hand Report.

Four (4) SLA statuses have been added:

  • Consignment fully available for shipment
  • Consignment fully departed origin airport
  • Consignment fully arrived at final destination
  • Consignment fully delivered

26 - New Audit Status Capture

Four (4) Audit statuses have been added:

  • Consignment fully available for shipment
  • Consignment fully departed origin airport
  • Consignment fully arrived at final destination
  • Consignment fully delivered

These have also been added to SLA processing. 

27 - Closed Airport

A screen has been added to mark an airport as being closed or unavailable. SLA processing will deduct the number of closed hours from the SLA time for any waybills that originate or terminate at the 'closed' airport. This can also be used for Public Holidays, if these do not count for SLA calculations.

28 - SLA Reporting

An SLA customer report has been added, which lists all consignments (color-coded) for this customer under the SLA. This report also lists the SLA hours taken and failure hours, if applicable, and is also available on the Public System. The On Hand Report and Pre Allocate screen have had the SLA times added, as well.

29 - Bulk Update by Rate

The Bulk Update by Rate screen has been enhanced for user friendliness - it now provides even more update options. The screen is divided into two sections, left and right halves - the old/current rate data (search criteria) is shown on the left, while the new/to-be-updated rate data is displayed to the right. A 'Batch Id' field has also been added to aid with updates.

Any single field (on the left) can be used to search. For example, if the users selects Rate Code, all rates with the matching Rate Code can be updated. Please note Batch Id is a separate search item, and overrides the other search criteria. You may search on Batch Id or any other combination of search criteria.

The Save action has also been updated. When the user selects Save, the system will save changes to the existing rates that match the search criteria using the new details (from the right half of the screen).

If the user selects Copy and Create, the system will copy the existing rates that match the search criteria, and update them using the new details (from the right half of the screen).

30 - New Alternative Manage Dangerous Goods

An optional Manage Dangerous Goods screen has been added. This new screen allows users to enter UN Number, Class, Label, etc, which can be used in the pick-list for Create/Amend Export Consignment. Customers can use this or the original version of Dangerous Goods (without UN Number).

31 - Public My Consignments

A 'Status' field has been added to Public My Consignment search results, which advises whether consignments have been received, shipped, delivered, etc.

32 - Email Notification

Automatic email notification during waybill creation has been updated to include a summary of waybill information - it will display Pieces, Weight, Origin, Destination, and Goods Description, like this:

245YYZYULMachine Parts

33 - Manage Flights

The Manage Flights Bulk Update screen has been updated to allow for bulk deletion of a schedule. Users may now delete this for any period.

34 - Pre Allocation

A selected weight calculator has been added to Pre Allocation. Selected Weight will be updated as the user selects/deselects freight for allocation.

An Order By pick-list has also been added, allowing users to select their preferred sort order for the selected flight.

35 - Drag and Drop Pre Allocation / Offload

A Pre Allocation / Offload screen has been added - this does NOT replace the existing screen, and users may choose to use one or the other.

36 - Print Label Option

The Print Label option has been updated with a choice to print a single label per consignment, or individual labels per package.

37 - Signature Capture

A signature capture process has been added to capture and digitally store a signature with the waybill print.

38 - Bulk Delivery

There is a new screen to enable Bulk Delivery. Users can select multiple consignments for the same customer and deliver them with a single input and signature.

39 - Waybill Routing

A Waybill Routing screen has been added to allow users to capture waybill routing information and flight/reservation information.

40 - Flights Dashboard

A Flights Dashboard screen has been added. This dashboard displays all departing flights for the selected date and airport, with allocated weights and maximum cargo weights, which can be updated here. It also advises flight manifested and departed status.

41 - Amend Consignment Rates

Decimalization has been updated for different currencies.

42 - Receive Import Consignments

The Receive Import Consignment screen now has additional search options. Flight Number has been made optional, and ULD Number and Consignment Number have been added. Users can search by ULD Number, or by Consignment Number, or by Flight Date (with or without Flight Number). Users can also 'arrive' an entire day's flights.

A checkbox has also been added to the list of results to allow ALL consignments to be selected and received in a single transaction.

43 - Dashboard

44 - Manage Auto Message Address

The column heading 'Sender Airport' has been changed to 'Action Airport'.

45 - Payment Screen

A Cancel Invoice button has been added to the Payments screen - this can be used if a waybill is created (with an invoice), but the customer wishes to cancel (without paying) and withdraw the shipment.

46 - Waybill Print

New options have been added to the Waybill Print. Users may save and print a PDF version of the waybill.

Other print options include:

  • Users can print on Plain Paper or Pre-Printed stationary.
  • Users can print a waybill with or without a signature.
  • Users can print the waybill with or without charges (should customers wish to have these hidden).

47 - Manage Data Download

Manage Data Download has been updated to provide a multi-folder view. Existing folders include Accounting Data, System Release Notes, Reports Data, and User Guide.

The Reports Data folder contains Report information in CSV format, for any report output too large to be displayed on screen.

48 - New Print to CSV Option

A Print to CSV option has been added to several reports. This will output the results data (as shown on screen) to a CSV file that can be saved on your PC. This option will be added to ALL reports over the next 12 months.

Please note this is different than the existing functionality to output to CSV if there is too much data to display on the screen.

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