You will need to copy all contents into a text editor that allows you to find and replace certain values. (Visual Studio Code is a free program for Windows and Mac that works well).
Step 3 - Update the Dedicated Service IDs
Now in the JSON file you should search for (press CTRL + F on your keyboard) “G-XXXXXXXXXX” and replace it with the web stream id you copied in step one from Google Analytics.
In Facebook you can find your “pixel” ID in the “Data Sources” page. Search the JSON document for “999999999999999” and replace it with your pixel ID.
Step 4 - Import the container JSON in GTM
Go to the “Admin” tab in the GTM interface and click on the “Import Container” option.
Import JSON file
Select the JSON file with your saved changes. You can choose the “Existing” Default workspace the was created automatically when you created your account.
Confirm Updates
Pause/Remove unused Tags
We provide an array of different tags. You will likely not need all of them. If you are not using Facebook for example, you can remove or pause all of them.
We suggest pausing them if you think they may be useful in the future. Doing so will avoid the need to manually set them up again or import the container entirely.
Submit your Changes
You will need to add a name to this first version and a description if you’d like:
Step 5 - Contact your account specialist