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Use this to transfer Inbound consignments from an inbound flight to an outbound flight.

On this screen:

  • Enter Flight Number (or use the pick-list).
  • Select Flight Date.
  • Click the Search button.

Results are displayed like this:

Image Added

If the originating station has placed the consignment on the next onward flight, this information is displayed in the Status column.

Image Added

Click the button in the Transfer to Flight section to access the pick-list and select the applicable/correct onward flight. Once complete, select the checkbox in the first column and click the Transfer button to transfer the selected consignment(s).

Amend Storage Locations

Use this to change the Storage Location for an Import consignment.

Image Added

On this screen:

  • Enter the Consignment Number.
  • Click the View button.

Results are displayed like this:

Image Added

From here, enter the pieces and weight (Description is optional), then select the Warehouse Location from the list, and click the Save link to add or change the Storage Location info.

Manage Delivery

Consignments for Delivery


  • Click the Deliver button to confirm.

    • If successful, a confirmation message (Consignment Delivered Successfully!) is displayed, and the Invoice and Delivery Receipt are printed.


Definition and Responsibilities

A. Definition of Interline Transfer of Cargo:

This is when a shipment is brought by one airline to another. The air waybill provided by the transferring airline is the document used to facilitate continued movement of the shipment. Interline transfers of cargo will only take place if:

  1. Both airlines are IATA (International Air Transport Association) members. OR

  2. The airlines (yours and another) have a Cargo Interline Agreement between them.

At the place of transfer, a Transfer Manifest is provided by the transferring airline to the receiving airline.

B. Responsibility of the Transferring Airline:

  1. Complete a transfer manifest.

  2. Ensure the AWB Number, pieces, and labeled destination match.

  3. It’s mandatory to indicate for shipments from non-secure bases that the “Shipment has been searched.

  4. It’s essential that the Transfer Manifest is signed by a representative of the receiving airline.

  5. One (1) copy of the Transfer Manifest is sent to Finance. Another copy is kept in the Base Interline transfer file. The receiving carrier is given one (1) copy of the transfer manifest.

C. Responsibility of the Receiving Airline:

  1. Note any damages or shortages on the Transfer Manifest - If this is not done, 100% liability goes to the receiving airline should any claims need to be paid out.

  2. Send one (1) copy of the Transfer Manifest to Finance - Attach a copy of the original air waybill and a copy of the ameliaCARGO air waybill. Retain another copy in the Base Interline transfer file, with a copy of the original AWB attached. Attach another copy of the original AWB to the Base copy created in ameliaCARGO.

Creation of a Transshipment TO an Interline Partner

Here is an example of a transshipment from your airline to another.

Step 1 - Click on Show Transhipment Options.

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Step 2 - Enter required data.

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  1. On the left (Tranship From & Carrier), use the second pick-list to select your airline’s Carrier Code. Then use the first pick-list to populate the originating station (it should get automatically populated).

  2. On the right (Tranship To & Carrier), use the second pick-list to select the interline airline’s Carrier Code. Select Destination Airport, then use the first pick-list to populate the destination airport/station’s code.

Step 3 - Process shipment as Prepaid.

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Process the shipment as PREPAID to the destination airport. Complete payment as you would any prepaid shipment. All charges MUST be displayed in full; otherwise, the shipment may be refused by the Interline Airline.

Creation of a Transshipment FROM an Interline Partner

Here is an example of a transshipment to your airline (from an interline partner).

Step 1 - Click on Show Transhipment Options.

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Step 2 - Enter required data.

NewConsignment-TransshipOptions.pngImage Removed

  1. Select appropriate Origin Airport (ex: Whitehorse).

  2. Use the pick-list to select appropriate interline carrier (ex: 4N).

  3. Use the pick-list to populate airport code (Tranship From).

  4. Use the pick-list to select Destination Airport.

  5. Use the pick-list to select your airline’s carrier code (in Tranship To section).

  6. Use the pick-list to populate airport code (Tranship To).

Step 3 - Payment

For this type of shipment, payment should always be prepaid to Third Party (Interline Carrier’s account):

Transshipment-3Payment.pngImage Removed

Step 4 - Complete the Create New Consignment process.

Complete the consignment as you would any other. Do NOT shortcut entering data from the Interline AWB - Let the system generate the proper rate. Don’t be concerned with rates shown in the Interline AWB. Exception: If a delivery request is indicated, enter the appropriate amount in the Other Charges section.

Once the consignment is saved, you will see something like this. Charges in the top and bottom areas should match to the penny.

Transshipment-FromPartner4.pngImage Removed


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Transfer of a Transshipment to an Interline Partner
