Local Replicated Database
- ALL Production Data
Reports (in ameliaRES App)
- Handled Alerts - Report showing all handled alerts, by username and date range.
- Load Factor - The load factor by flight and date.
- Enplanement - Report showing total passenger counts of enplaning or deplaning passengers, by airport.
- Charges - Report of all Charges, by date range.
- Agency Charges - Total Charges by Charge Type, listed by Sales Channel for each Agency.
- Agency Payments - Lists all payments collected by each Agency, grouped by Payment Type.
- Agency Bookings - Report showing Fare and Charges, grouped by Agency and date.
- Credit Card Usage - List of all transactions for a credit card number.
- Company Payments - Transaction list for a Company charge account.
- Company Payments - Grouped by Type - Transaction payments grouped by Type and Company.
- Company Billing - Report showing Fare and Charges, grouped by Company and date.
- Company Pax Flights - List of passengers grouped by Flight and Company.
- Payments - Payment report generator that allows the user to select Payment, User, Date, Passenger etc.
- Reservation Volumes - Report showing reservation counts by date range.
- On Hold - Reports all reservations that are On Hold between two dates.
- Origin / Destination - Report showing the number of passengers booked, grouped by Day of Week and Fare Class.
- Waitlist - Report showing all waitlisted reservations for a group of flights.
- Form of Payment - Report showing a breakdown of all the charges for passengers on a flight, grouped by Form of Payment.
- Passenger Statistics - Report showing the passenger count in each Status (Checked In, Confirmed, Waitlisted, Standby, Boarded), grouped by Flight and Departure/Arrival.
- Non-Commission / Non-Res Payment Report - Payment report for other types of payment transactions, such as prepaid account transactions.
- Passenger Status - A report showing the passengers in any check-in status, grouped by Status (Confirmed, Checked In, Boarded).
- Flight Status - A report showing the flights in any status, grouped by Status (Open, Closed, Cancelled).
- Quick Itinerary Report - Quickly reprint any itinerary by Reservation Number.
- Manifest by Aircraft - Report the manifest for an entire aircraft flying schedule for a day.
- APIS - Report showing the APIS information for any Flight.
- Ancillary - Report purchased Ancillary Items for a Flight or an Airport, for any date.
- SSIM - Create an exportable SSIM flight for any Route or the entire Schedule.
- Realized/Un-realized Revenue - Report details on realized/un-realized revenue, customizable by Charge Type, Payment and other options.
- Charges - CSV export of all Charges created in a date range.
- Payments - CSV export of all Payments created in a date range.
- Outstanding - CSV export of any Reservation that is over/under-paid.
- Outstanding (date range) - CSV export of any reservation that if over/under-paid, in a date range
- Agency Bookings - CSV export of any Agency booking in a date range.
- Agency Booking Statistics - CSV export of booking statistics for any Agency.
- Passenger List - CSV export of passenger manifest for a flight.
- Duplicate Credit Card Usage - CSV export of duplicate credit card usage for a date range.
- Reservation Counts - CSV export of reservation counts by date.
- Res Counts by Origin - CSV export of reservation counts, grouped by Airport.
- Future-Flying Res Revenue - CSV export of reservation Charges for any Flight in the future.
- eNews e-mails - CSV export of eNews subscribers' email addresses.
- Monthly Res Count - CSV export of monthly reservation counts.
- User Permissions - CSV export of Users and their assigned Permissions.
- Flight Info - CSV export of basic Flight Information by date range.
- Great Plains Revenue - CSV export of Great Plains integration package.
- Company Passenger Travel - CSV export of the list of Passengers by Company and date range.
- Company Expiry - CSV export of the Company Rates that are expiring in the selected date range.
- Fare Stats - CSV export of Fare and Charge statistics, grouped by Fare Type, Route and Date.
- Flight Revenue - CSV export of Charges associated with a Flight.
- Commission (Standard) - CSV export of Commission and Reservation details, grouped by Agency.
- Commission (Account) - CSV export of Commission and Reservation details, grouped by Agency, that have been deposited to an Account.
- On Hold - CSV export of all Reservations that are On Hold in a date range.
- Tax Exempt - CSV export of all Reservations and Passengers that were marked as Tax Exempt.
- Agent Booking Statistics - CSV export of the Agent/User booking statistics in a date range.
- Flight Passenger - CSV export of the passenger information for a Flight.
- Cancelled After Flight Expiry - CSV export of any cancellations after a flight's ETD.
- Reservation City Pair Counts - CSV export of reservation counts, grouped by City Pair.
- Fare Availability - CSV export of Fare Availability, grouped by City Pair and date range.
- Agency Info - CSV export of Agency address and details.
- Route Travel Options - CSV export of Travel Options based on the Routes.
- Passenger Profile Data - CSV export of Pasx Pax Profile Data.
- Group Permissions - CSV export of Group Permissions.
- User Groups - CSV export of the Users that belong to each Group.
- Great Plains Cross-Check - CSV export to cross-check the Great Plains integration exports.
- Agency Booking Detailed Stats - CSV export of Agency booking details.
- Company Account Payments Report - CSV export of Company Account payments in a date range.
- Boarded Pax Charges - CSV export of Passenger, Route and Charge totals for pax that are boarded in a date range.
- Company Information - CSV export of Company address and details.