- Agency Account Services
- Account Deposits
- Company Details
- Booking Services
- Book Reservation
- Calculate Processing Fee
- Email Itinerary
- Get Agency Company List
- Get Airports
- Get Airports City Pair List
- Get Airports List
- Get Airports SSR Allocations
- Get Country List
- Get Currency List
- Get Flight SSR Allocations
- Get Level of Service List
- Get Payment Method List
- Get Payment Method List by Currency
- Get Province List
- Get Tax Configuration
- Get Travel Options
- Get Voucher
- Login User Profile
- Reservation Payments
- Group Name Import
- Charges
- DCS Services
- Check In
- Email Boarding Pass
- Get Seat Map
- Get Seat Assignment
- Boarding
- Baggage
- Reservation Invoice Services
- Get Reservations
- Reservation Payment Services
- Calculate Processing Fee
- Get Currency List
- Get Payment Method List
- Reservation Payment
- Seat Assignment Services
- Get Seat Map
- Set Seat Assignments
- Shop (Ancillary Items) Services
- Get Airport Allocations
- Get Flight Allocations
- Get Purchased Items
- Purchase Items
- Remove Purchased Items
- User Profile Services
- Add Profile Pax Association
- Add Profile Res Association
- Add User Profile
- Get Country List
- Get Profile List
- Get Profile Reservation List
- Get Province List
- Login User Profile
- Remove Profile Pax Association
- Update User Profile
ameliaRES Reports
Web Reports
- Administration
- Bulk Move Tracking - Shows bulk-moved reservations with the flight changes for the selected Bulk Move date.
- Charge Override - Displays all modified charges made by the selected user(s) to monitor possible system abuse.
- Message Logs - Shows a brief description of the alert message, who created it, when it was created, and the reservations affected.
- Name Change Report - Display the passengers that had their names changed on a reservation.
- Commercial
- AC Model Stats Report - Shows statistics on Flight Levels grouped by AC Model and flight number.
- Agency Bookings - Agency bookings based on the creation date of the Charges and the Agency(s) selected. Report includes adds and edits done to the passenger segment. Ordered by Reservation Number and Passenger Name.
- Agency Charges - Shows a list of charges made by the selected agencies. The report is listed by agencies, date, and charge types.
- Agency Information - Displays agency’s information, by Agency Type.
- Agency Pax Segments - Shows Agency's Passenger Segments that were modified between the selected date range.
- Agency Pax Segments Performance - Report includes any addition/modification done to the segment of the reservation for the selected date period. Displayed by Month, Week, or Day.
- Agent Bookings Export - Shows agency bookings for the selected date range with reservation's flight info.
- Average Fare per Booking Code - Shows total of Booking Codes sold per city pair with its total and average amount, per Booking Code.
- BC per Flight - List of how many Booking Codes were assigned, available, and sold per flight.
- Booked Res per Flight - Returns reservations from the chosen booking date until now for the Flight Number(s) between the Flight Dates range for the selected Departure Airport(s).
- City Pair Charges - Shows reservation Charges for the selected charge date.
- Company Information - Agency can gather information on the Companies they belong too.
- Company Pax Flights - Report shows Company bookings. (* If reservation has more than 1 payment, entries will duplicate.)
- Customs Requirements - Displays all passenger info required for Customs.
- Day of Week Load Factor - Displays the percentage of seats sold per Flight per Day of Week.
- Detailed Sales - Shows passenger-totaled charges for the selected Charge Type.
- Expired Bookings - List of reservations with Balance Due past Hold Date.
- Fare Load Factor - List of flights including Booking Codes with check-in information.
- Flight Analysis Dep Date - Displays all reservations booked on the selected booking date for the selected flights between the selected flight date including the payments from the selected payment dates. You can also choose which currency you would like to view this report in.
- Flight Date Charge Date - Shows total Charges applied to all reservations for each month.
- Flight Date Charges - Displays transactions for the selected Charge Types, for the selected date.
- Flight Information - Flight information with Fare Class info.
- French Markup Commissions - Shows Commissions for the time frame selected (in French).
- Load Factor - Shows the Check Ins / Passenger Status for each flight.
- Management Statistics - Flight statistics displaying yesterday's information, along with 1 week from yesterday and 52 weeks from yesterday. Also displays flight dependency for the last 24 hours.
- Markup Commissions - Shows Commissions for the time frame selected.
- Market Load Factor - Displays seats sold percentage for the selected flight date range and selected flight(s).
- Non Pax Profile Average Fare - Displays the average fare per city pair for the selected date range for passengers without a User Profile.
- OAG Data Request Schedule - OAG Schedules Information Request Form – Instructions
- On Hold - Shows all pax On Hold for each flight number departing in the selected Flight Date range.
- On Hold Booking Date - Shows all pax and their booking date for each Reservation Number.
- Origin / Destination - Shows total Booking Codes sold per city pair.
- Outstanding Balance Flight Date - Shows all pax On Hold for each flight number.
- Passenger Information - Shows passenger information per Country and Province.
- Passenger List - Shows the list of passengers per city.
- Passenger Service OTP - Shows the time of departure, arrival, and delay(s) of each flight.
- Passenger Statistics - Shows the statistic of the selected flight with the Check In status.
- Passenger Status - Shows the status of all Passengers on each flight for the selected dates.
- Pax Flown - Displays the passenger name and how many times they have flown for the selected date range.
- Pax Info per Flight Number - Passenger's Passport and Nationality Information per Flight Number, excluding cancelled reservations.
- Pax Profile Average Fare - Displays the average fare per City Pair for the selected date range for passengers with a User Profile.
- PNR Web Export - Displays PNR information on Legs that changed on the selected date.
- Promo Code Usage Report - Displays Promo Codes that have been used.
- Reservation Volumes - Shows how many reservations and passengers were booked per city pair and how much money was made on them.
- SSR Airport Allocation - Shows the number of each SSR item that was allocated per Airport.
- SSR Airport Requirements - Shows the number of items purchased for the Airport for that day.
- SSR Flight Allocation - Shows the allocated SSR items per Flight Number.
- SSR Flight Requirements - Shows the list of items purchased by Flight Number.
- SSR City Pair Allocation - Shows the allocated SSR items per City Pair.
- SSR City Pair Requirements - Shows the list of items purchased by City Pair.
- Statement of Reservations - Shows Agency's passengers with their reservation charges.
- User Profile Add-Ons Future Flying - Displays reservation information for passengers who purchased items between the date range for future flights (after tomorrow).
- User Profile Booking Trends - Pick a User Profile/Date and return all bookings broken down by segment with Fare Class and any add-ons purchased (ie. from the From date forward).
- User Profile Dep Flight Date - Displays all reservation information for the selected User Profile for the selected date range.
- User Profile Loyalty Miles - Displays loyalty information for the selected user profile.
- Waitlist - Shows all passengers on Waitlist with their route and contact information.
- Finance
- AC Pax Charge Report - AC Pax Charge Report based on flight dates.
- Agency Payments Performance - Shows all payments and refunds for the selected Agencies, for the selected Charge Date.
- Agency Payments - Shows Payments made for the selected Agencies' reservation for the selected Payment Date range.
- Charge Details by Charge Date - Displays all charge(s) created for the selected date range, grouped on a reservation.
- Company Res Payments and Balance - List of company bookings, and the listing of passengers on those reservations.
- Company 0 Credit Limit - Displays the available Balance for Companies with a 0 (zero) Credit Limit.
- Company Account Details - Display all the account transaction for the selected Companies, for the selected transaction dates.
- Company Billing - Can be used as a support document for a company invoice. This report only shows the transactions that occurred in the date period. This report was built specifically for one of our clients that wanted to insert reservation details along with their company invoicing, and did not wish to generate itineraries. It will exclude all charges that fall outside of the billing period. Several business practices must be followed for this report to function.
- Company Billing - Late Payment - Return all company payments that occurred after the “To” date UTC, where the charges were created between the “From” UTC and “To” UTC dates.
- Company Deposit - Shows Company Deposits (Credits) totaled per month for a year at a time. Credits are only payments made to Accounts.
- Company Payments - Payments made on a company reservation, ordered by Company Name and Payment refund date.
- Company Payments by Type - Payments made on a company reservation, grouped payment type.
- Company Payments Performance - Report includes any payment done in the selected date period.
- Company Web Portal Payment - List Company(ies) transactions made on the Web Portal.
- Credit Card Transactions - Displays all credit card transactions.
- Flight Revenue - Displays a report for all Charges.
- Flight Revenue Breakdown - Displays a report for all Charges on reservations.
- Form of Payment - Shows Passenger’s payment and Charges per flight.
- Multiple Currency Payment Date - Displays all reservations with how many pax on which Fare, along with currency conversions.
- Pax Cnx Legs per Flight Date - Shows how many legs per flight date that were cancelled before the Flight Date, for the selected Flight Date range.
- Pax Legs per Flight Date - Shows how many legs per Flight Date, that were created for the selected Flight Date range.
- Payments - Displays payments of the selected type made between the selected date range for the selected Base Airport.
- Res Volume and Charges - Displays Charges charged before the selected From Date for the selected Flight Date range.
- Sales Tax Report - Report shows a list of reservations with the total of Charges that were charged with the selected tax, for the selected date range.
- Vouchers Created - Report of the Vouchers left and the date they expire.
- Vouchers Redeemed - Report of Vouchers redeemed, with the passenger's flight info.
- Flight Operations
- Air Time Detail - Detailed report displaying Air Time for selected flights.
- Air Time Summary - Summary report displaying Air Time for selected flights.
- Aircraft Pax Manifest - List of passengers on each flight.
- Aircraft Summary - Report displaying Aircraft's tails and flights assigned.
- Airport Landings - Summary report displaying flight information per Arrival Airport.
- Deplanement - Used to determine how many passengers are expected to arrive.
- Detailed OTP Report - A detailed report of late or early flights with reasons for delay.
- Enplane/Deplane Counts - Report that displays flights with how many seats sold, along with how many enplaned for the selected date.
- Enplanement - Used to determine how many passengers are expected to depart.
- Flight Status - Shows the status (selected) of each flight (selected).
- Manifest by Aircraft - List of passengers
- Summary OTP Report - A summary of flights late or early, per delay code.
ameliaRES application reports
- Handled Alerts - Report showing all handled alerts, by username and date range.
- Load Factor - The load factor by flight and date.
- Enplanement - Report showing total passenger counts of enplaning or deplaning passengers, by airport.
- Charges - Report of all Charges, by date range.
- Agency Charges - Total Charges by Charge Type, listed by Sales Channel for each Agency.
- Agency Payments - Lists all payments collected by each Agency, grouped by Payment Type.
- Agency Bookings - Report showing Fare and Charges, grouped by Agency and date.
- Credit Card Usage - List of all transactions for a credit card number.
- Company Payments - Transaction list for a Company charge account.
- Company Payments - Grouped by Type - Transaction payments grouped by Type and Company.
- Company Billing - Report showing Fare and Charges, grouped by Company and date.
- Company Pax Flights - List of passengers grouped by Flight and Company.
- Payments - Payment report generator that allows the user to select Payment, User, Date, Passenger etc.
- Reservation Volumes - Report showing reservation counts by date range.
- On Hold - Reports all reservations that are On Hold between two dates.
- Origin / Destination - Report showing the number of passengers booked, grouped by Day of Week and Fare Class.
- Waitlist - Report showing all waitlisted reservations for a group of flights.
- Form of Payment - Report showing a breakdown of all the charges for passengers on a flight, grouped by Form of Payment.
- Passenger Statistics - Report showing the passenger count in each Status (Checked In, Confirmed, Waitlisted, Standby, Boarded), grouped by Flight and Departure/Arrival.
- Non-Commission / Non-Res Payment Report - Payment report for other types of payment transactions, such as prepaid account transactions.
- Passenger Status - A report showing the passengers in any check-in status, grouped by Status (Confirmed, Checked In, Boarded).
- Flight Status - A report showing the flights in any status, grouped by Status (Open, Closed, Cancelled).
- Quick Itinerary Report - Quickly reprint any itinerary by Reservation Number.
- Manifest by Aircraft - Report the manifest for an entire aircraft flying schedule for a day.
- APIS - Report showing the APIS information for any Flight.
- Ancillary - Report purchased Ancillary Items for a Flight or an Airport, for any date.
- SSIM - Create an exportable SSIM flight for any Route or the entire Schedule.
- Realized/Un-realized Revenue - Report details on realized/un-realized revenue, customizable by Charge Type, Payment and other options.
Offline Reporting Database
- PNR Add
- PNR Updates
- Payments and Refunds
- Charges
- Infants
- Pax Adds
- Pax Updates
- SSR Adds
- Company Accounts
- Company Adds
- Company Updates