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Access the Day of Operations screen from the Operations -> Crew Rostering -> Day Of Ops menu. The criteria screen allows selection of Position, A/C Type, Base, Time Zone.


When Change Criteria is selected, users are allowed to change the date to anything (not just Previous Day, Current Day or Next Day).

Options menu

All options retain the user's previous selection (from last login). Properties include:

  • Hour Interval - 24 hours, 12 hours, 6 hours, 4 hours, 2 hours, 1 hour, half-hour, 15 minutes
  • Row Size - 1, 2, or 3
  • Font Size
  • Gantt Border - None, Small, Large
  • Color Preferences
  • Auto Refresh - 30 minutes, 20 minutes, 10 minutes, 5 minutes, Off
  • Pairing Color - Red, Yellow, Blue, or Green
  • Pairing Mode - On or Off
  • User Mode - Edit Mode or Read Only
  • Flight Mode - On or Off
  • Flight Collision Alerts - On or Off

Crew Member List

Contains all active crew in selected position and base specified, who are qualified to fly the A/C type selected.  The list is displayed on the left side of the screen.


If you double-click a Crew Member, the Rostering (Schedule Editor) screen is displayed for this person ONLY:


The right side of the screen displays the crew members’ schedule in non-pairing mode (at leg level). It displays the non-fly events (NFEs), as well.


Selecting Unassign displays a confirmation dialog:

Bottom-of-screen Functionality

The functions and controls at the bottom of the Day of Ops form are identical to those on the existing Schedule Editor (Rostering screen).

  • NFE shortcuts (4 of them) can be configured and used.
  • The date can be quickly changed using the green GOTO button.
  • NFEs, Pairings, Flights, and Legs can be assigned using the Assign Non Fly, Assign Pairing, Assign Flight, and Assign Leg buttons (and the listbox associated with each).


Two new permissions control access to it:

  • Day Of Operations - Access

  • Day Of Operations - Modify

Screen Sample

Here is an overall view of the Day of Ops screen, with data:
