Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


  • Enter Flight Number (or use the pick-list).

  • Select Flight Date.

  • Click the Search button.

  • Click the Arrive link (for the flight in question).

    • If successful, a status of ‘Arrived’ replaces the link (in the Action column).

    • If you see a message (You cannot arrive this flight since it has cargo and needs to be departed from [AP code].), contact the originating station and get them to ‘depart’ the flight.


  • Enter Flight Number (or use the pick-list).

  • Select Flight Date.

  • Click the Search button.

  • In the table of results, select cargo being received using the checkboxes.

  • Confirm number of pieces, weight, and location (can be typed in or selected from list).

  • Click the Receive button.

  • Click OK on the confirmation dialog.

    • If successful, a message (X Consignment(s) successfully received.) confirms this.


  • Enter Flight Number (or use the pick-list).
  • Select Flight Date.
  • Click the Search button.

Results are displayed like this:


  • Enter Flight Number (or use the pick-list).
  • Select Flight Date.
  • Click the Search button.

Results are displayed like this:


  • Enter the Consignment Number.
  • Click the View button.

Results are displayed like this:


Consignments for Delivery

 To deliver a Consignment, go to Manage Delivery -> Consignments for Delivery:

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On this screen:

  • Enter search criteria (one of Consignment (AWB) Number, Consignee Name, From Date, To Date).
  • In the shipment list (search results), click the AWB link (Consignment #) to go to the Deliver Consignment screen.

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On the Deliver Consignment screen (shown below):

  • Add notification info - use the listbox, and confirm with the green checkmark.
  • Add relevant remarks (in the Remarks section).
  • Confirm Pieces and Weight. If NOT delivering the entire shipment, change Pieces/Weight as required.
  • Confirm Delivery Date/Time.
  • Enter Collector Name, Delivery Reference No. and Vehicle Registration No.
    • Collector Name - full name of Collector.
    • Delivery Reference No. - enter if applicable (ex: Novex 3111111); or enter N/A.
    • Vehicle Registration No. - enter Collector’s ID # (company/driver # is acceptable).
  • Click the Deliver button to confirm/complete delivery.

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Collect Payment:


  • Click the Deliver button to confirm.

    • If successful, a confirmation message (Consignment Delivered Successfully!) is displayed, and the Invoice and Delivery Receipt are printed.
    • The Invoice and Delivery Receipt can be printed.
    • Have the collector sign the AWB.
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Payment Methods:

 Users may enter payment for - Cheque:

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or Cash:

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Transfer of a Transshipment to an Interline Partner


Once the transfer is complete, the Shipment History will look like this:

Delivered Consignments

Use this option to view previous deliveries and/or to return delivered consignments.

If financial reporting is out of balance (for example, the Found Cargo transaction (at destination) may cause delivery to NOT be captured), reconciliation may be required. Follow the process below to do this.

Step 1 - Go to Search -> Consignments.

Record the actual date of delivery (A.), and the name of the collector (B.).


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Step 2 - Go to Manage Delivery -> Delivered Consignments.

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Enter the AWB # (in Consignment Number field), and click Search.

Step 3 - In the search results, click the + link.

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Step 4 - In the expanded Delivery Details section, click Un-Deliver Consignment.

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Step 5 - Click Un-Deliver to complete the transaction (this returns the item to your base for re-delivery).

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When re-delivering the consignment, the original info (date, time, and Collector) is noted.

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NOTE: The Pieces and Weight may exceed the original values on the AWB. Leave them as is.

Charges Collect Consignments

Use this report to view the status of Charges Collect Consignments.

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Search options include:

  • Consignment Received From/To dates
  • Consignment Origin
  • Consignments Received At
  • Apply Group checkbox

Click View Report, Print Report, or Export to Excel. Results are displayed like this:

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