Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.

Payments are now linked (associated with) the charges they cover. (More? Should probably add some explanation/examples (how to set Order IDs appropriately, for example), maybe a screenshot...)Conversely, charges are linked to the payment(s) to cover each.

Charge Types are ranked using the Order field (on the Charge Types form) - the lowest value being the highest rank.

Figure: Charge Types form - Order



Charges for Payment/Processing


Fees (such as for credit card payments


) should be associated with the lowest


possible Order ID (typically 0 or 1)


to ensure they are given priority, and properly mapped to the corresponding payment(s).

Charges may also be ordered/ranked (within type/category) using the Order field on the Charges form:

Figure: Charges form - Order

When applying a payment, the following order is used:

  1. Highest-ranked Charge Type (0 or 1 is first, as mentioned above).
  2. Charges within this Charge Type, from lowest to highest Order value.
  3. Repeat 1 and 2 until all charges are paid or the amount of the payment is completely used/spent.


Please note that this linking applies ONLY to reservations/payments created after your system is updated to amelia 17.04 -  that is to say, these links will NOT exist for any previous/existing payments.

Charges/Payments added to reservations with prior payments may not be linked correctly, causing some discrepancies (in data/reporting).