17.04 Release Notes

New Features:


RESTv1 (See the API documentation for further details.):

  • Schedules (Flight Management), POST/PUT/DELETE operations
  • Ancillary Items, GET operations
  • User Sessions resource


Enhancements / Improvements:


Note for developers

The following information is for the benefit of our development partners and those airlines that consume the amelia Web APIs directly.

The preferred API endpoints (URLs) have changed with this release:

Previous format
New (preferred) format

'Client' is a placeholder - to be replaced by your short name. Note that '/Client/' is no longer required in the path.

JIRA Issue #


amelia-4060Duplicate Bookings - incorrect default date
amelia-4388IBE, API - Booking error after failed payment
amelia-4468Some zero-balance reservations were being cancelled due to lack of payment


Manifest - issue with Pax Totals when filtered

amelia-4508RES - Issue with return flight timing (with date change)
amelia-4692GDS - Codeshare Waitlist status code (CL) was processed as OTH segment
amelia-4721Unrealized Revenue Report - multiple recordsets error


Route Management - No Alert when changing airports

amelia-4840Vouchers - Transferable and One Time Only checkboxes were erroneously disabled
amelia-4861Check In - Passport scanning - issue with certain characters
amelia-5019Edit Res - Add Pax - issue with Packaged Items in some cases
amelia-5176API (RESTv1) - GET TravelOptions/{key} - Get TO by key caused 404 error for some TOs
amelia-5182CREW - SICK events not at home base were added to Duty Time
amelia-5313Adding Passenger Request now recorded in Res Audit
amelia-5379Flight Watch - Issue with time zones and FW Arrival
amelia-5459Flight Watch - Delays added together in case of repeated edits/saves