21.01 Release Notes

New Features:


(Important to Commercial teams)

Enhancements / Improvements:

IASCASE / Issue #


18756 / AMELIA-15449
  • Switching on non - Refundable Fares creates a duplicate leg.

21103 / AMELIA-18242

  • Update web reports to pull currency format from DB.
  • When Aircraft Model is change in Flight Watch, the Allocation popup will show Allocation Templates based on the new Aircraft Model in Flight Watch instead of Flight Schedule.
  • When processing sell request from GDS, if the booking locator already exists, the new segments will be added to the existing reservation regardless of whether there's any active segments on the reservation or not.
  • ameliaTicket - Open coupons not associated with any confirmed segment will still appear on the Application Ticket grid.


Refer to the following for 21.01 DB Schema Changes.