23.10 Release Notes

New Features


RESTv1 (See the API documentation for further details)

  • If the caller has appropriate permissions, GET reservations now supports the following extra search parameters

    • passportNumber

    • eTicketNumber

    • email

    • reference1 (i.e. General Number 1)

    • reference2 (i.e. General Number 2)

    • phoneNumber (i.e. Home Phone)

    • alternateLocator

    • creditCardFirstSixDigits

    • creditCardLastFourDigits

  • The permission API > Expose Summary Contact Information is now required for passenger contact data to be included in GET reservations calls.

  • Events are now being generated when a flight has been cancelled.

  • The frequentFlyers/{key}/loyaltyAccountTransactions endpoint now supports transfering points from one profile to another using the new transferLoyaltyPoints function


  • Infants can now be added to existing interline bookings.

  • The ticket details screen now shows the baggage allowance for interline e-tickets.

  • To assist with passenger handling at the check-in counter, interline and codeshare partners can now receive travel documents (DOCS) and passenger contact details (CTCM, CTCE) from ameliaRES.


  • User Profiles have now been renamed to the more industry standard Frequent Travelers. This affects all interfaces within ameliaRES.

  • Ancillaries now have a removable property. When an ancillary is set as removable, it will behave as normal and can be removed from the passenger. When an ancillary is set as non-removable, it cannot be removed by the user.

  • The Change Fee Waiver is an ancillary that, when purchased, allows reservation changes without applying fees (e.g. modification, name change fees). It now supports the ability to limit the number of changes per purchase.

  • The grids in the seat selection screen now show the passenger type (Adult, Child, Infant) and the fare family booked on the flight.

  • The grids in the Allocation Template Definition and Apply Templates screens now support column sorting.

Enhancements / Improvements

IASCASE / Issue #


IASCASE / Issue #


32700 / AMELIA-24896

In certain cases, a reservation audit was not being written when a passenger was automatically confirmed from the waitlist.


Refer to the following for 23.10 DB Schema Changes.