16.12 Release Notes

New Features:


RESTv1 (See the API documentation for further details.):

  • Agency Types, GET operations
  • Airline Codes, GET operations
  • Flight Types, GET operations
  • Fee Categories, GET operations
  • Route Types, GET operations
  • Surcharges (Phase 1), GET operations
  • Charge Types, GET operations
  • Charge Types, POST/PUT/DELETE operations

APIv3 (See the APIv3 documentation for further details):

  • GetBookingSeatMaps(), return seat charges
  • Booking Request, allow Seat Assignment


Enhancements / Improvements:


JIRA Issue #



API (RESTv1) - Issue when more than one instance of a country/province


Bulk Move - Standby Baggage was not moved


Flight Watch - Editing flight delays, corrected times were not shown

amelia-4414GDS - PAOREQ sometimes returned invalid flight/TO
amelia-4484GDS - IATCI issues
amelia-4492User Profiles - error when updating due to length of security question/answer
amelia-4500GDS - IATCI segment not checked-in, Cancel message was not sent
amelia-4505GDS - Baggage Update message was not sent when IATCI was successful
amelia-4583Check In - Multiple BPs printed after Seat Assignment