17.12 Release Notes

New Features:


(Important to internal and external development teams)

RESTv1 (See the API documentation for further details.):

  • Charges - POST/PUT/DELETE operations
  • GET Departures (Phase 1)
  • Booking Information - PUT operations
  • Crew Members - GET operations
  • Crew Positions - GET operations
  • Crew Assignments - GET operations


(Important to Operations teams)


(Important to Commercial teams)

Enhancements / Improvements:


IASCASE / Issue #


amelia-2694Bulk Move - Infants could be overbooked
7488 / amelia-4819Security Charges were not applied to Open tickets
amelia-5557Seat Selection - removing seat now refunds associated charges
9539 / amelia-6563Companies - email address validation added to prevent errors

9490 / amelia-6603

Flight Watch - Delay shown when flight departs early

9846 / amelia-6885Allocation Manager - Wide search could cause memory error
9912 / amelia-7008Secure Flight - List passengers preventing flight from closing
10265 / amelia-7228Load Factor Report - issue with date selection
10267 / amelia-7229Airports - improved error message when adding a duplicate Airport
10322 / amelia-7332Flight Schedule - inactive flights could appear in Flight Watch
9837 / amelia-7238GDS - Fare Adjustment was done more than once sometimes
10550 / amelia-7589Company Payment by Type (web) report - incorrect totals
10473 / amelia-7864Segments could get duplicated when changing Company and Fare
10683 / amelia-7924Check In - sort issue on form causing incorrect pax selection
10689 / amelia-7957When changing fare on group bookings, segment was sometimes duplicated