ROAM Support Topics

ROAM Support Topics

IE11 Issues

IE11 Run Control Issue

It is possible to receive the following warning when using IE 11.

Just click on the "Run control" button.

Firefox Issues

Firefox Plugin Activate Issue

If you use the FireFox browser, the Java plugin is now disabled by default and you must click on the red dot to enable Java for your site and select "Allow and Remember".

Proxy Issues

Possible fix for user receiving a pop-up with the following text:
Netlet Proxy Authentication, Proxy Authentication Required, Please enter Proxy Username and Password: 

Open the Java Control Panel, click network settings, and set JAVA itself to use a "Direct Connection" rather than the default "Use Browser Settings"

Java Console

The Java Console provides information about the Java version, user home directory, and any error message that occurs while running an applet or application. You can enable the Java Console for the Windows platform using the Java Control Panel or the Java icon displayed in the Windows system tray.


Enabling the Java Console through the Java Control Panel (Assumes that Java is installed)

Find the Java Control Panel - Windows:

Windows XP
Windows 7, Vista
Windows 8
  • Use search to find the Control Panel.
  • Press Windows logo key + W while on the start screen to open the Search charm to search settings OR drag the Mouse pointer to the bottom-right corner of the screen, then click on the Search icon.
  • In the search box enter Control Panel and then click on Control Panel item that appears.
  • In the top right Control Panel Search box enter Java Control Panel.
  • Click on Java icon to open the Java Control Panel.
  • Refer to section Enabling the Java Console in the Java Control Panel/Java Preferences below.


Finder Icon in 10.6
Java Preferences in 10.6
Java Preferences Enable applet plug-in and Web Start Applications in 10.6

Find the Java Control Panel/Java Preferences - OSX:

Mac OS X 10.6 and earlier (Apple Java version and named Java Preferences)
  • Click on the Finder icon in your Dock.
  • Click on Go, and then Utilities in Finder.
  • Double click on the Java Preferences icon - Note: There is no Java Control Panel in this version of Mac OS X.
  • In the General tab, ensure that the box labeled Enable applet plug-in and Web Start Applications is checked.


System Preferences in 10.7 searching for Java with the search box
Mac OS X 10.7.3 and later (Oracle Java version)


Java Control Panel - Show console set in the Advanced Tab

Enabling the Java Console in the Java Control Panel/Java Preferences.

  • In the Java Control Panel/Java Preferences, click the Advanced tab.
  • Scroll to the Java console section.
  • Select Show Console and click OK.


Once the Java Console is available, the user or service desk (via a remote support TeamViewer session) can reproduce the issue from ROAM login up until error is reached, then click anywhere in the Java Console text area and click “Copy”. This will copy the entire Java Console details into the clipboard, and this can be pasted into an email or attached document when submitting for a case/issue.


Java Control Panel - Java Icon in tray set in the Advanced Tab

Enabling the Java system tray icon through the Java Control Panel (Windows or OSX 10.7+ - Not available on Apple Java version for OSX 10.6)

  • In the Java Control Panel, click on the Advanced tab.
  • Expand the Miscellaneous option.
  • Place Java Item in system tray option is checked by default. If un-checked then check this option to enable the Java icon in the system tray.
  • Click Apply.
  • Click OK to save your changes.


Open Java Console using the tray icon

Enabling the Java Console through the Java icon in the system tray
(Not available on Apple Java version for OSX 10.6)

  • Locate Java icon from the System tray on lower right hand side of screen.
  • Right click on Java icon.
  • Select Open Console.

Oracle Java Main Screen
Oracle Java Verify Java Screen
Oracle Java Help Center Screen

Troubleshooting Java On Windows And Mac

For Windows only, run the "Uninstall Older Versions Of Java" utility by going to/clicking on this link below:

Check for Java Installed, Java Version, Browser Plug-Ins. The links below will help solve most current issues with Java.

Visit java.com and then click on……

Most issues with Java and Mac are related to the Java Plug-In being in-active. This can occur when Mac updates (sometimes automatic) are applied. So for a majority of Mac and Java issues, the test java link will show a link named inactive plug-in. Once this link is clicked, it re-activates the plug-in and corrects the Java issue.

Troubleshooting AccessMyPC Role – Windows Only

  • The target machine must be available and configured to allow remote access. If the target machine is on the internal network, and the service desk wants to verify if the target machine is reachable and is listening, ping the IP to verify that the IP is reachable and then telnet to the IP and port 3389 on the target machine from a machine on the same network.


  • Ensure that telnet is installed on the PC used by the service desk. If it is not, you will get the following error:
Telnet not installed error


  • To Install Telnet on Windows 7 as an example, first go to Control Panel->Programs->Turn Windows Features on or off, and then select the Telnet Client box to turn on telnet and select OK. Telnet will install, and after that, you will be able to use telnet from the command prompt.
Example - Telnet turn Windows 7 features on and off


  • Go to command prompt:
    • Run “ping” as an example. You will receive replies showing success if the IP is available. If IP is not available, you will not receive any response and telnet will timeout after a brief time period.
Telnet run success


  • Run “telnet 3389” as an example. After you hit enter on the telnet command, the command prompt window will go blank if successful (connected) or give error. If successful, then you can hit CTRL + ] shown below (CTRL + closing square bracket) to get the telnet prompt, and then type quit to disconnect. This is the successful connection scenario showing that you could connect to the IP on the given port.
Telnet exit command


  • If no response from ping, investigate if target machine is off or network issue, and if connection not established to port 3389, configure target machine for remote access.


  • For Windows only – Go to control panel (Windows 8 instructions above in Java Console section to get to control panel), then system and then click on Remote (or Remote Settings). Choose “Allow remote connections to this computer” or “Allow users to connect remotely to this computer” etc…

Criteria to include when submitting a case

  • The following information will assist in resolving cases in a more timely manner:
    • Login/User-id having issues.
    • What URL that user used to log into for ROAM. (example: https://r2gw01.nbhealth.ca/https://nbportal02.anywarenetworks.com)
    • Number of users affected.
    • Link/Channel in ROAM where issue is experienced. (Name of link on the users desktop)
    • Date/Time that user’s error occurred.
    • Java Console if available.
    • As much detail around error/issue as possible. (User click sequence, error details etc….)

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