Citrix XenApp Clients and Browsers

When connecting to the new portal for ameliaRES applications, the following will help with the different browsers or clients.


Internet Explorer 11

  • Browse to

  • Logon with your credentials.
  • You will then be presented with the applications this user has access to:
  • To start your application, single-click on the icon and it will launch.
  • If you do NOT have the Citrix Receiver installed, your session will start in a new tab using HTML5.
  • If you have a Citrix Receiver installed, it will launch using this client in a seamless window.
  • Note: In IE 11, you are unable to switch between the two currently.
  • If you get prompted with the following, you have 2 options:
    • If you click on Use Light Version, it will use the HTML5 client for launching apps.
    • If you click on Detect Receiver, you will get more options.
  • From here:
    • If you check I agree and click on Download, you will download the latest version of the Citrix Receiver. Select/run the downloaded file and follow the prompts to install the Citrix Receiver client locally.
    • 'Detect again' will try to detect an installed client again.
    • 'Use light version' will switch to HTML5.
    • 'Already installed' - Use this if you know you have the receiver installed (but it's not being detected), and it will just continue on to your applications page.


  • All steps are the same as IE11.

  • The main difference with Edge/Chrome/FireFox over IE11 is you can switch between using HTML5 or the receiver client.

  • To do so, all you have to do is click on the drop down in the top right of the browser's window:
  • From here, if you click on Change Citrix Receiver it will take you to the detect client window.
    • Here, you can click on Use light version to switch to HTML5.
    • OR, click on Detect Receiver and then 'Already installed' to use the receiver client.