Multi-Factor Access to ameliaRES via Citrix (PublicV2)

Multi-Factor Access to ameliaRES via Citrix (PublicV2)

This guide will help you quickly get set up to access ameliaRES using MFA and Citrix.


What is Multi-factor authentication (MFA)?

Put simply it means using another trusted device or platform to verify that it’s actually you trying to login. You are likely already using MFA with other services and if that’s the case this will be quick and painless.


Our MFA access to Citrix comes in two flavours: App based or E-Mail based.

During your onboarding, your account specialist will help you choose the method that works best for you.

Based on this choice please follow the guide below accordingly:



App based MFA


Do you already use MFA and have an MFA App installed on your device?

The most common are Google Authenticator, Microsoft Authenticator, Duo Mobile and Authy. Not an issue if you don’t let’s just get one installed. Read below:

No MFA app? no problem, let’s get started!

Before we start you will need to have a separate device with you, and you need to have credentials / permission to install the app on this device. We recommend the one you use the most so you’ll have it on hand when needed and don’t worry you can add more later if you need.


Visit the App store for your device and search for “Authenticator App” you can also try to these links:


Now you are ready for MFA, let’s go!

We are going to be accessing Citrix, do you have your credentials handy? If not or if you need you password reset, please create a support ticket before proceeding.


To start we are going to set up production access first:

Launch Citrix

Your new access link will be https://launch-ca.ameliares.ca, save it to your bookmarks

Are you in Asia? You’ll be using this link instead: https://launch-sg.ameliares.ca

Follow these steps:


Login with your credentials

Click Add Device

Scan the code with your MFA App


Next you’ll need to Log out

By doing this we will test if you successfully added your device.


Now try logging in again:

Enter your username & password

If your device was added, the password field will change to Passcode you’ll need to open your MFA app and insert the number you see into the passcode field.

You are now logged in to Citrix and can access ameliaRES & the rest of your tools.


E-Mail Based MFA


Before you can use this type of MFA your account specialist must set you manually, please wait for confirmation before proceeding.

We are going to be accessing Citrix, do you have your credentials handy? If not or if you need you password reset, please create a support ticket before proceeding.


To start we are going to set up production access first:

Launch Citrix

Your new access link will be https://launch-ca.ameliares.ca, save it to your bookmarks

Are you in Asia? You’ll be using this link instead: https://launch-sg.ameliares.ca


Follow these steps:


Login with your credentials

Enter your e-mail address

Log off from Citrix


Now log in again:

Enter your username & password

Once you submit the form, check your e-mail account to find the one time password that will be needed to complete login. This might take a minute, please be patient.

Paste the code into the OTP field and press Log On, you should now be logged in to Citrix and can access ameliaRES & the rest of your tools.



Need to access the Maint environment?

Launch it here, the MFA you already set up just works!

The new link is: https://launch-maint.ameliares.ca, please bookmark it.

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