Password Reset Tool

  • InteliSys has recently published a password management tool which allows for administrators to reset Citrix/GO-Global passwords for other users in their organizations.  Before this tool, a call to our helpdesk was required.  If you are reading this article and you don't have this tool setup for your organization, send a note to our support and we will be happy to set it up. 

Step-by-step guide

  1. Login to Citrix using your account.  For example, we use intelisysba1 as the administrator in our demo environment. 

  2. Open the "Password Reset" Application

  • A login screen will be presented.  Enter the exact same credentials you used for Citrix.  In our demo environment, I use intelisysba1 again.


  • The next screen, you enter the Citrix/GO-Global username you want to reset.  In our example, I will reset intelisysba2


  • The next screen, you will reset the password and the policy is presented on the left.




You can also use this tool to unlock an account.  From the home page, on the left side of the page