Web/amelia Reports Information

All reports in one grid. Anything marked as YES for web reports availability will have all information copied and pasted from the web reports help section.
Report NameAvailable in Amelia ReportsAvailable on Web ReportsDescriptionReport CriteriaFields Used/DisplayedNotes
AC Model Flight Revenue YesShows revenue metrics on selected flights.
  • From Date
  • To Date
  • Selected Flights
  • Selected Charges
Flight Number, Cities, Capacity, Flight Count, Pax Count, Avg. pax per flight, ASM, RPM, Load Factor, Charges, Miles, RRPM, revenue per flight mile, revenue per ASM 
AC Model Stats YesShows revenue metrics by aircraft type.
  • From Date
  • To Date
  • Selected Flights
  • Selected Charges
  • Boarded Only

Flight Number, Routing, N/R Pax, Revenue Pax, Pax Revenue, Yield per revenue pax, Freight Revenue, RPMs, ASMs, load Factor, Pax revenue per RPM, Revenue per ASM, Air Hours, Block Hours, Revenue per air hour, Revenue per block hour, Sg Stat Miles, Rt Stat Miles

Followed by a breakdown of number of flights and seats sold by aircraft type

AC Pax Charge Report YesReport Showing Revenue Metrics on Passengers
  • From Date
  • To Date
Aircraft, Flight Date, Flight Number, Reservation Number, ID Number, Passenger Name, Department Number, Charge, Status, IO/Network 
Agency BookingsYes, Data ExportsYesAgency booking based on the creation date of the charges and the Agency(s) selected. Report would include adds and edits done to the passenger segment. Order by Reservation Number and Passenger Name.
  • From Date
  • To Date
  • Agency

Agency Name, Reservation Number, Passenger Name, Departure Date, Itinerary, Fare Class, Date Reservation was made, Booking Date, GDS Locator, Fare, Charges, Subtotal, Taxes, Total

Agency Charges ReportYesYesBreaks down the total amount of charges, per agency. Broken down into separate Charges.
  • From Date
  • To Date
  • Agency
  • Charge Type: Airport Improvement Fee, Baggage, Balance Charges, Cancellation, Fare, Handling Fee, Insurance, Insurance Taxes, Modifications, Payment Fees, Non-Refundable, Seat Assignment, Security Fee, SSR
Report Creation Date, From, To, Agency, Charge Types Included, Date of Charge, Distribution Channel, Ident (2 Letter Code for Charge Type), Description, Charge, Discount, Taxes, TotalThis report is only calculating visible charges so ne charges that might have been cancelled will not display
Agency InformationNoYesDisplays agency’s information by type
  • From Date
  • To Date
  • Country
  • Agency Type
  • Province
Agency Name, Agency Name Address1, Address 1 Address 2, Address 2 City, City Province, Province, Country, Country Agency Type, Agency Type Postal Code, Postal Code 

Aircraft Passenger Manifest


Yes, Check In

Yes, Check In

List of each passenger on each flight.

Available from the check in screen.

  • Flight Date
  • Departure City
  • Flight Number


Aircraft, OEW, Fuel, Baggage #, Cargo, B/C Subtotal, Passengers (Male, Female, Child, Infant) #, Passenger Total, Grand Total Weight. Passenger Number, Passenger Name, Reservation Number, Passenger Weight, Gender, From, To, # Bags, Bag Weight, Passport Number, Ticket Number, Infant (y/n), SB, Needs 
Agency Pax SegmentsNoYesBooking agency passenger segment booking information.
  • From Date
  • To Date
  • Agency
Reservation Number, Leg Number, Leg Status, Leg Departure Date/Time, Departure City, Arrival City, Fare Code, Fare Amount, Grand Total 
Agency PaymentsYesYesThe payments made for the Agency(s) for the selected date range. Date range is based on the UTC creation date of the payment. The agency is the original booker of the reservation.
  • From Date
  • To Date
  • Agency
  • IATA
Agency Name, Payment Type (Cash, On Account, Transfer Credit, Visa, MC, AX), Reservation Number, Passenger Name, Routing, Payment Date, Payment Amount, Subtotal of Each Payment Type, Grand Total of each group of agency payments. 
Agency Payments PerformanceNoYesReport includes any payment done selected date period.
  • From Date
  • To Date
  • Agency
  • Grouping: Monthly, Weekly, Daily

Monthly: Agency Name, Year/Month, Res Count, Seat Count, Payment Amount, Ref Amount, Total

Weekly: Agency Name, Year/Week Start, Res Count, Seat Count, Payment Amount, Ref Amount, Total

Daily: Agency Name, Day/Month/Year, Res Count, Seat Count, Payment Amount, Ref Amount, Total

Agency UsersNoYesReport includes All users, categorized by associated agency
  • From Date
  • To Date
Agency Name, Logon Name, User Name, Status 
Agents Bookings ExportNoYesCan be used as a support document for an agency’s commission or for billing an agency that is only permitted to make on account payments.
  • From Date
  • To Date
Billing Date Agency Reservation number PASSENGER DATE (Flight Date) ITINERARY (The passenger’s routing information) CLASS (fare class) FARE (amount of the fare) CHARGES (Sum of all charges except for FARE) SUB-TOTAL (FARE+CHARGES) TAXES (amount of taxes on SUB-TOTAL) TOTAL (SUB-TOTAL + TAXES) 
Aircraft Pax Charge ReportNoYesAC Pax Charge Report based on flight dates.From Date - Departure date of the flight UTC To Date - Departure date of the flight UTCAircraft – Aircraft Name Flight Date - Departure of the flight Flight # - Flight Number Passenger Name - Name of the Passenger Number IO - PO Number Charge - Passenger's Charge for that Flight Status - Passenger Status 
Aircraft SummaryNoYesReport displaying the Aircraft's tails and flights assigned.From Date – Booking date To Date - Booking date AC Type - Aircraft Type(s) Flight # - Flight Number(s) Tail - Aircraft Tail(s) Dep - Departure(s) Arr - Arrival(s)AC Type - Type of Aircraft AC Tail - Tail of Aircraft Flight No. - Flight Number Route - Arrival and Departure of route Air Time Hours - Time of flight in Hours 
Aircraft Pax (passenger) ManifestNoYes FROM, TOflight, departure time, departure/arrival, reservation#, passenger name, gender, status, id number, department#, company 
Aircraft Model StatsNoYes FROM date (flight date), TO date (flight date), selected charges, selected flightAircraft model, flight number, routing, n/r pax, revenue pax, pax revenue, yeild per rev pax, freight rev, RPMs, ASms, load factor %, pax revenue per RPM, revenue per ASm, air hours, block , revenue per air hours, revenue per block hour, stat miles, number of flights, aircraft capacity 
Airport LandingsNoYesSummary report displaying flight information per Arrival Airport.From Date – Booking date To Date - Booking date AC Model - Aircraft model(s) Arr Airport - Arrival(s)Airport - Arrival Airport Type - Type of Aircraft Aircraft - Aircraft Name Flight No. - Flight Number Passengers - Number of Passengers on flight Qty - Number of leg(s) for flight number 
Air Time DetailNoYesDetailed report displaying air time for selected flights.From Date – Booking date To Date - Booking date AC Type - Aircraft Type(s) Flight # - Flight Number(s) Tail - Aircraft Tail(s) Dep - Departure(s) Arr - Arrival(s)Flight Date - Date of Flight Flight No. - Flight Number Type - Flight Type AC Type - Type of Aircraft AC Tail - Tail of Aircraft Route - Arrival and Departure of route Air Time Min - Time of flight in minutes Air Time Hours - Time of flight in Hours 
Air Time SummaryNoYesSummary report displaying air time for selected flights.From Date – Booking date To Date - Booking date AC Type - Aircraft Type(s) Flight # - Flight Number(s) Tail - Aircraft Tail(s) Dep - Departure(s) Arr - Arrival(s)Flight No. - Flight Number Route - Arrival and Departure of route Air Time Min - Time of flight in minutes 
Average Fare Per Booking CodeNoYes FROM date, TO date, departure airport, arrival airport, selected booking codesdeparture/arrival, booking code, total sold, total fare amount, average fare 
Booked Res Per FlightNoYesThis Report will return all reservations from the chosen booking date until now for the flight number(s) between the from and to flight dates for the selected departure airport(s).From Date – Booking Date Local Time Flight From Date – Flight Date Local Time Flight To Date - Flight date Local Time Flight Number Departure AirportReservation Number RES# Passenger Name Booking Date - In Local Time 
Boarded Pax ChargeYes, Data ExportsNocharges and type for each paxtime shift, FROM date, TO datereservation number, last name, first name, middle name, date of birth, local estimated time of departure, departure, arrival, charge type, charges description, total chargeslists pax (more than once) for each charge
Booking Code Per FlightNoYes FROM date, TO date, Booking Codeflight number, flight date, departure airport, arrival airport, Booking Code, Quantity, Available, Sold 
Company Payments PerformanceNoYes Company Name – Company name Grouping – break down of the counts based on Monthly, Weekly or Daily From Date – Modification date of the segment UTC To Date - Modification date of the segment UTCCompany Name – Company name Seat Count – Total seats on the reservation (not passenger segments) Res Count - Reservation count Payment Amount – payment amount Refund Amount – refund amount 
Charge Over Ride ReportNoYesA report showing all charges that have had their values decreased and who decreased them and the reason. Charge override is enabled by bus switch.FROM date, TO date, Selected Charges Type, Selected Usersdate, user, base, description, sug amount (original), act amount (new amount), reason 
Charge Details by Charge DateNoYesDisplays all charge(s) created for the selected date range, grouped on a reservation.Agency – Agency Name From Date – Creation date of the charge UTC To Date - Creation date of the charge UTCRes# - Reservation Number Name – Passenger Name Desc – Charge Description Amount – charge amount base currency Discount – discount amount base currency Taxes – Taxes amount base currency Total – Amount – Discount + Taxes Total – Total charges, discount, taxes for the reservation toc-Company 0 Credit Limit 
Canceled After Flight ExpiryYes, Data ExportsNo time shift, FROM date, TO date no records found will try from other client (sama)
Company 0 Credit LimitNoYesDisplays the available Balance for Company(ies) with a 0 Credit Limit.Company ID– Company ID numberCompany – Company Name Company ID – Company ID number Credit Available – Credit Available Telephone - Phone Number Address - Company AddressOnly active companies show up in report
Company Account DetailsNoYesDisplay all the account transaction. Once the agency is selected, it will display all companies associated to the agency or selecting ALL agencies will display all companiesAgency – Agency Name Pax Company – Company Name From Date – Creation date of the charge UTC To Date - Creation date of the charge UTCCompany – Company Name Date – Date of the account transaction UTC Debit – debit from company account base currency Credit – credit from company account base currency Adjustment – adjustment from company account base currency Notes – notes left when transaction was made. Reservation payment on account will create the reservation number for the note. 
Company Billing Late PaymentsYes, part of "company billing" there is a "late payment" optionYesReturn all company payments that occurred after the “to” date UTC where the charges were created between the “from” UTC and “to” UTC dates.Company- Company Name Charge – Charges From Date – Creation date of the charge UTC To Date - Creation date of the charge UTCAcct# - Account number of the company Company – Company name Res# - Reservation Number Passenger – Passenger name Charge Date – Date charge occurred UTC GST – Tax accrued on the charge 
Company ExpiryYes, Data ExportsNo time shift, FROM date, TO date did not complete when tested
Company Passenger TravelYes, Data ExportsNotravel by company and paxtime shift, FROM date, TO date, companycompany name, company id, fare class, last name, first name, departure date, departure, arrival, total by fare -in row, company total -in row 
Company Pax ReportYesNoNot entirely sure, as report timed out, most likely pax status report, by Company.   
Commissions StandardYes, Data ExportsNo time shift, FROM date, TO date no records found, will try from other client
Commissions AccountYes, Data ExportsNo time shift, FROM date, TO date no records found/ execute error, will try from other client
Credit Card Usage/TransactionsYesYestransactions by credit card numberFrom Date – Starting date of the Credit Card Transaction UTC To Date - Ending date of the Credit Card Transaction UTCRes # - Reservation Number Sector Outbound - from and to city pair Sector Inbound - return trip Date Outbound - Flight Date of Sector Outbound Date Inbound - Flight Date of Sector Inbound Card # - Passenger's last 4 digits of thier credit card number Card Holder - Name that appears on the Credit Card Auth # - Payment Authorization Number Amount - Amount Paid Payment Date - Date the payment was made 
City Pair ChargesNoYes FROM date, To date, selected departure airport, selected arrival airport, selected charge type  
Company DepositNoYes FROM date, TO date, selected agency typescompany id, company name, city, month , (each month of current year) 
Custom RequirementsNoYes FROM (flight) date, TO (flight) dateflight number, flight date, pax name, passport, passport expiry, date of birth, nationality, CANPASS 
Datamart CommissionNoYes FROM date, TO date,Agency name, address, city, province, country, postal code, agency id, reservation origin, reservation number, reservation owner, booking date, flight date and time, fare, commission percentage, commission, GST, total commission and GSTgrouped by agency and totals by agency
Detailed OTPNoYes FROM date, TO date, report type - arrival/departure, departure, arrival, aircraft model, categories code, delay codeflight number, routing, departure time, arrival time, delay occurred, delay code, categories code, delay time, notesgrouped by flight date. Shows daily total +/- in minutes
DeplanementNoYesUsed to determine how many passengers to expect to arrive.From Date – Creation date of the payment UTC To Date - Creation date of the payment UTC Checkin/Boarded – Status of the passenger on the leg Arr – Arrival airportFlight Flight number Flight Date – Flight date Dep – Departing airport ETD – estimated departure date ATD – actual departure date Arr – Arrival airport ETA - estimated arrival date ATA – actual arrival date Non Rev – Non revenue (Y = Yes, N = No) Number of Pax – Number of passengers 
Duplicate Credit Card UsageYes, data exportsNotracks duplicate instances of credit card usagetime shift, FROM date, TO datereservation number, passenger first name, passenger last name, booking date, payment date, credit card number (last 4 digits), credit card type, card holder name, email address, home telephone number, home fax number, telephone, fax, flight datewill not show full credit card number due to PCI requirements.
Detailed SalesNoYes FROM date, TO date, selected charges typeBooking date, flight date, departure, arrival , booking code, reservation, name , charge amount 
Expired Credit Manager (expired credit charge routine)Yes, Utilities > Expired Credit ManagerNoused as a tool to mass balance"shows expired reservations one year from"reservation number, expiry date, charge total, payment total, refund totalthe report is run using the creation time stamp of of the reservation, not the charge dates. If any reservations are split, the expired date will be caught in the new reservation creation date routine. There is no export/print or save feature in this report
Enews E-mailsYes, Data ExportsNo time shift enews is not used anymore, as far as i know -DS
EnplanementYesYesUsed to determine how many passengers to expect to depart.From Date – Creation date of the payment UTC To Date - Creation date of the payment UTC Checkin/Boarded – Status of the passenger on the leg Dep – departure airportFlight Flight number Flight Date – Flight date Dep – Departing airport ETD – estimated departure date ATD – actual departure date Arr – Arrival airport ETA - estimated arrival date ATA – actual arrival date Non Rev – Non revenue (Y = Yes, N = No) Number of Pax – Number of passengers 
Expired BookingsNoYes FROM date, TO datereservation number, seats, reservation origin, agency name, booking date, hold date, days booking to expire, days until expire 
Fare StatsYes, Data exportsNofare stats by count and dollartime shift, FROM date, TO date, checkin status, days of weekflight number, departure, arrival, booking code, total revenue count, total non rev, dollar amounts per booking code 
Flight InformationYes, Data ExportsNoA list of all flight information over selected date rangetime shift, FROM date, TO dateflight number, scheduled departure time, actual departure time, departure airport, scheduled arrival time, actual arrival time, arrival airport, aircraft model, aircraft tail, flight status, distance 
Flight RevenueYes, Data ExportsNoflight revenue by flight numbertime shift, FROM date, TO dateflight number, city pair, ASM, RPM, load factor, pax count, fare (dollars), navcan, other?different fields than flight revenue web reports
Flight StatusYesYesShows the status (selected) of each flight (selected)From Date – Creation date of the payment UTC To Date - Creation date of the payment UTC Flight Status – Status of the flight Route Number – flight numberFlight # - flight number Flight Date – date of the flight DEP – flight departure Status - Flight status (Active, Expired, Cancelled, Closed), Flight Type (scheduled, cargo, etc)Grouped by flight number
Flight PassengerYes, Data ExportsNo time shift, FROM date, TO date, flight number, departureflight number, local departure time, departure airport, reservation number, last name, first name, phone, phone ext, home phone, fax, email 
Fare Export R and RNoYes???From Date – Modification date of the segment UTC To Date - Modification date of the segment UTC??did not run this report yet
Fare AvailabilityYes, Data ExportsNo time shift, FROM date, TO dateflight number, local departure time/date, departure airport, local arrival date, arrival airport, confirmed (count), total seats on aircraft, load factor, fare class, fare amountThe report will only return the cheapest values that have the visibility selected as all. So Call Center, Internet, GDS, Published.
Flight Analysis Departure DateNoYesDisplays all reservations booked on the selected booking date for the selected flights between the selected flight date including the payments from the selected payment dates. You can also choose which currency you would like to view this report in.From Date – Flight date UTC To Date - Flight Date UTC Booking From - Starting date of when the bookings were made Booking To - End date of when the bookings were made Payment From - Starting date of when the payments were made Payment To - End date of when the payments were made Currency - Report displayed in the selected currency if the Report is chosenfor Report Currency Report Currency - base is the currency of the airline, booking is the currency the booking was made under, Report is the currency selected in Currency Primary Date - *Important* What you select here will validate the date ranges and the selected date will have to be within a month apart. Selected Flights - Select the flight(s) you would like to view on the report Selected City Pair - Select the city pair(s) you would like to view on the report Selected Payment Method - Select the payment method(s) you would like to view on the report Selected Pax Company - Select the Company(ies) you would like to view on the report Selected Agency - Select the agency(ies) you would like to view on the reportBooking Date,Flight Date,City Pair,Flight No,Reservation No,Seats,Currency,Agency company,Booking Codes (of all passengers per Fare Class),Commission , Charges (per reservation for all passenger grouped by charges), Payments (per reservation for all passenger grouped by payment method), Payment Dates (per reservation for all passenger grouped by payment method)**Only run this report a month at a time for the selected primary date and this report has to be exported into excel.**
Flight Date Charge DateNoYesShows total charges applied to all reservations for each monthFrom Date – Flight date UTC To Date - Flight Date UTC Charge types - choose from a list of Charges Res Origin - Web, Amelia, or GDSTransaction, Account, Amount, Reference Date, Pax - Passenger, Dep - Departure,Arr - Arrival 
Flight Date ChargesNoYes From Date – Creation date of the payment UTCTransaction Account Amount Reference Date Pax - Passenger Dep - Departure Arr - Arrival 
Flight InformationNoYes Flight# - Flight Number From Date – Modification date of the segment UTC To Date - Modification date of the segment UTCFare Desc – Fare departure and fare arrival Class – Fare class 
Flight RevenueNoYesDisplays a report for all chargesFrom Date – flight date To Date - flight date Dep Airport – Departure airport Arr Airport – Arrival airport Selected Charge Type - select which charge(s) you would like to display in the reportGrouped by flight #, date of flight, and city pairs displays all charges on topJuly 15, confirmed by guy that web help should read flight date for report criteria , not charges creation date
Flight Revenue BreakdownNoYesDisplays a report for all charges for ReservationsFrom Date – Creation date of the payment UTC To Date - Creation date of the payment UTC Selected Charge Type - select which charge(s) you would like to display in the report Dep Airport – Departure airport Arr Airport – Arrival airport Hold Status - Hold StatusGrouped by flight #, date of flight, and city pairs, Reservation Info displays all charges on top 
French Markup CommissionsNoYesCommission report by agency in French, similar to the English markup commission reportFROM date, TO date, hold status (statut d'attente)name of agency, address, province, country, postal code, IATA, reservation number, fare class, passenger name, charge amount, commission (%), dollar amount of commission, tax1, tax2, total commissiongrouped by agency, each agency has its own sheet in excel. Within each sheet, reservations grouped by agent name
Future Flying Reservation RevenueYes, Data ExportsNounrealized revenue (paid, but not flown)time shift, TO date, fare classes, charge typesreservation number, charge type, money amount, passenger name, booking date, flight date 
Great Plains RevenueYes, Data ExportsNo time shift, FROM date, TO datereservation number, last name, first name, middle name, local estimated time of departure, departure, arrival, charges description, charge amount 
Handled AlertsYesNoAlerts marked as "handled" in the alerts window in amelia will be queried - an audit report. handled date, handled by, flt date, flight number, reservation, passenger, reason, notesThe way the alerts work if there are two alert events at the same time for one action , example ' arrival time change more than allowed amount' and ' something else', it will only display one alert. The default is ' arrival time change more than allowed amount'. Therefore, the audit will only show one alert for multiple events that happen at the exact same time.
Manifest by AircraftYesYesManifest by ACFrom date, to date, aircraft, passenger status, origin destinationAircraft ident, flight itinerary (dep-arr), date, flight number, confirmed count, seats total, availability, pax name, boarding status, company/departmentamelia just has FROM date, web has both FROM and TO
Multiple Currency Payment DateNoYes FROM date, TO date, Selected Market, Selected City Pair, Selected payment Method, Selected Pax Company, Selected Agency error as of May 9, 2010 (pascodb)
Monthly Reservation CountYes, Data ExportsNosimple monthly count by gds, web, call centermonthclient database, origin, agency name (public, gds, agency), reservation count, seats, reservations cancelled, passenger segments, passenger segments cancelled, month, year 
Non Commission Non Reservation PaymentYesNo Company, From Date, To DateCompany, Account Number, Payment method, credit, debit, adjust, transaction date, transaction note, totalDisplayed by company.
Name Change ReportNoYes FROM date , TO datereservation number, old name, new name, user name , dateno info in help file
No FlyYesYesCustom report for air jazz located in reports> no fly, pre-identifying passengers on the various no fly lists for Canada and US. Used to speed up the boarding process.flight , date Custom report for air jazz
Origin DestinationNoYes FROM date, TO date, Selected Departure, Selected ArrivalDeparture, Arrical, Booking code, sun,mon, tues, wed, thurs, fri, sat, TotalTotal by day of week and total by booking code
On Hold ReportYesYesShows all pax on hold for each flight numberFrom Date – Creation date of the payment UTC To Date – Creation date of the payment UTC Selected Route # - select a flight that you would like to display in the reportHold Date – date the the reservation was on hold Flight Date – date of the flight Flight – flight number Name – passenger name Res # - reservation number Routing – path of the flight Home Tel – passenger’s home phone number Agency – Agency that booked the flight Agency Tel – Agency’s phone number 
On HoldYes, Data ExportsNo time shift, FROM date, TO datebooking agent, paid reservations, hold cancelled reservations (count), fare (total), number of seats, payment agency 
On Hold Booking DateNoYesShows all pax and their booking date for each Reservation NumberFrom Date – Creation date of the payment UTC To Date – Creation date of the payment UTC Agency - Choice of all or 1 Agency(ies)Res# - Reservation Number Res Owner - Main Passenger on the Reservation Tel - Phone number Mobile - Cell Phone number Email - Email Address of Passenger Booking Date - Date the booking was made Hold Date – date the the reservation was on hold Flight – flight number ETD Date – Estimated Time of Departure Dep - Departure Airport ETA Date - Estimated Time of Arrival Arr - Arrival Airport Agency – Agency that booked the flight IATA - Agency's identification number Agency Tel – Agency’s phone number 
Outstanding Balance Flight DateNoYesShows all pax on hold for each flight numberFrom Date – Creation date of the payment UTC To Date – Creation date of the payment UTCReservation Nmbr - Reservation Number Total Charges - Total cost of reservation Payments Amount - Amount Paid Refund Amount - Refund applied to Reservation Total - Out Standing Balance 
Origin - DestinationsYesYesGrid showing destination arrival countsdate, from, date to, departure,Arrival, fare class (booking code), day of week, total by day of weekCan be saved in .htm for excel
OutstandingYes, Data ExportsNoOutstanding balancestime shift, TO datereservation number, charges, payment/refund, booking date, outstanding 
Outstanding (Date Range)Yes, Data ExportsNoOutstanding balancestime shift, FROM date, TO datereservation number, charge amount, payment amount, outstanding, reservation date, passenger name, agency 
Passenger Information 1NoYesShows Reservations that have an outstanding balanceFrom Date – Creation date of the payment UTC To Date – Creation date of the payment UTC Country – select the passenger’s country that you would like to display in the report Province – select the passenger’s province that you would like to display in the reportReservation Nmbr - Reservation Number Total Charges - Cost of Reservation Payments Amount - Amount Paid by Passenger Refund Amount - Refund if applied Total - Reservation Balance 
Passenger Information 2NoYesShows passenger information per Country and ProvinceFrom Date – Creation date of the payment UTC To Date – Creation date of the payment UTC Country – select the passenger’s country that you would like to display in the report Province – select the passenger’s province that you would like to display in the reportGrouped by country and then grouped by province Pax name – name of the passenger Country – passenger’s country Province – passenger’s province Address 1- passenger’s address Address 2- passenger’s address City- passenger’s address Postal Code- passenger’s address Ext – passenger’s extension Fax – passenger’s fax number Home Tel – passenger’s home phone number Home Fax – passenger’s home fax number Email – passenger’s email Gender – passenger’s gender Tel 
Passenger Information per Flight NumberNoYesPassenger's Passport and Nationality Information Per Flight NumberFrom Date – Departure date of the flight UTC To Date – Departure date of the flight UTCFlight # - Flight Number Departure Date - Flight Departure Passenger Name - Name of the Passenger Passport - Passport Identification Passport Expiry - Expiry Date of the Passport Date of Birth - Date the Passenger was born Nationality - What is the Origin of the Passenger 
Passenger ListYes, Data exportsNo time shift, city, country code was not able to successfully run the export (sama)
Passenger ListNoYesShows the list of passengers per cityCity – enter the name of the city you would like to display in the reportPax Name – Passenger name Home Tel – Home phone number Home Fax – Home fax number Fax – Fax number Tel – Telephone number Gen – Gender Email – Email address 
Passenger Service OTPNoYesShows the time of departure, arrival, and delay(s)s of each flightFrom Date – Creation date of the payment UTC To Date – Creation date of the payment UTCDate AirCraft Crew Flight Number Departure Station Scheduled Departure Time Out Time Off Time Delay Reason(s) Delay Amount (minutes) Total Delay (minutes) Notes 
Passenger StatisticsYesYesShows the statistic of the selected flight with the Check In statusFrom Date – Creation date of the payment UTC To Date – Creation date of the payment UTC Flight # - select the flight number that you would like to see in the report Selected Departure – Select the Airports you would like to see from the selected flightLocal EDT Flight # Check In Confirmed Waitlisted Stand by PAX Boarded Departure Arrival 
Passenger StatusYesYesShows the status of all Passengers on each flight for the selected datesFrom Date – Creation date of the payment UTC To Date – Creation date of the payment UTC Segment Status – Status of the segment in the Reservation Check in Status – Status of the passenger in Check inGrouped by flight number Flight Date – Date of the flight Dep – Departure airport Res # - Reservation number Passenger – Passenger name Seg Status – Status of the Segment Check In Status – Passenger status in Check in Agency – Agency who booked this reservation Cnx By - Agency who cancelled the reservation if the reservation is cancelled Cnx Date – Date of the cancellation if the reservation is cancelled 
Pasco Commission     NEW, permissions/settings not updated on db (dec14,2009)
PNR Web ExportNoYes From Date – Flight Departure Date Departure – Departure Airport Flight Nmbr – Flight NumberRes# - Reservation Number Loc# - Locator Number PNR Status - Reservation Status Group - Part of a group (Y or N) lng Res Pax Group Id Nmbr - unique passenger identification Pax Status - Passenger status Last Name - Passenger's last name First Name - Passenger's first name Pax Type - Passenger Type str Unique - flight segment identification number Leg Status - status of the flight segment Local Dep Date - Local Departure Date Dep - Departure airport Arr - Arrival Airport FC - Fare Class Seat - Seat Number 
PaymentsYesYes From Date – Creation date of the payment UTC To Date – Creation date of the payment UTC Base – Select the airport base you would like to display in the report Payment Method – Select the payment method you would like to display in the reportGrouped by Base Res # - Reservation number Pax Name – Passenger name Pmt Type – Method of payment User – Agent that received the payment Rec # - Receipt number Auth # - Authorization number PO # Pmt Amt – Payment amountGrouped by Base
PaymentsYes, Data ExportsNoSimple payment ledgertime shift, FROM date, TO datereservation number, payment date, payment type, payment amount 
Quick Itinerary ReportYesNoDisplay Itineraries

Reservation Number, Detailed OR Summary, Check box - Include Terms and Conditions


Detail: Name, E-Mail, Booking Reference, Flight Number, Dep City, Arr City, Aircraft Type, Status, Charge Date(s), Payer's Name, Payment Amount, Transaction Type, Fare Rules Summary

Summary: Name, E-Mail, Booking Reference, Flight Number, Dep City, Arr City, Aircraft Type, Status, Fare Rules Summary

If reservation is in the past, requires 'Expired Leg - Modify' to access this report.
Reservation CountsYes, Data exportsNosimple totalstime shift, FROM date, TO datebooking date, reservation count, passenger segmentsorganized by booking date, will not show individual reservation numbers
Reservation City Pair CountsYes, Data ExportsNo time shift, FROM date, TO datebooking date, departure, arrival, reservation count, passenger segments 
Reservation Counts by OriginYes, data ExportsNocounts calculated from GDS, Application and Web.time shift, FROM date, TO date, grouping (days or hours)date, application count, web count, gds count 
Reservation VolumesYesYesShows how many reservations and passengers were booked per city pair and how much money was made on themFrom Date – Creation date of the payment UTC To Date – Creation date of the payment UTC Selected City Pair – Select the city pair that you would like to display in the reportGrouped by City Pair Flight Date – date of the flight Reservation – how many reservations were made on the selected city pair Passengers – how many passengers were booked on the selected city pair Sales – how much money was made for that city pairThe report does not run off of flights it uses fare city pairs. So it uses the passengers bookings the start of the trip and the end of the trip. This will not include A-B-C it will only include A-C.
Reservation Volumes and ChargesNoYesDisplays charges charged on the selected From Date for selected flights, city pairs, airports (market), and fares.From Date – Date the payment was charged Local Time From Flight Date To Flight Date Selected Market - Airport you want to view Selected City Pair – City pair you want to view Selected LOS - Level Of Service you want to view Selected Fare Class - Fare Class you want to view Selected Charge Type - Charge Type you want to viewMarket - Airport City Pair - Departure and Arrival Airports Flight Date - Date of flight DOW - Day Of the Week Route - Flight Number Res - Reservation count for this flight Pax - Passenger count of this flight AS - Allocated Seats LF% - Flight Filled Percentage Passenger count summed by booking code Passenger charge summed by charge typethe best way to get 2 run is to split up some market and city pair info
Route Travel OptionsYes, Data exportsNo date, time shiftorigin, destination, flights, departure time, arrival time, connections (count), days of week 
Statement of ReservationsNoYes   An on account payment report for monies owed to airline by travel agenices.
Summary OTPNoYes FROM date, TO date, report type - arrival /departure, departure, arrival, aircraft model, categories code,category code, early (count), 5 min or less (count), 6 min or more (count), within 15 minutes of arrival (count), delay minutes, % of delayed flightsgrouped by category code. Totals of each field on bottom. Totals also included - Total Flights ,Total Cancelled Flights, Total On Time, Total Flights Delayed , % Flights ON Time, % Flights Delayed
SSIMSYesNoUsed as a data file to import by OAG or similar to publish flight schedules on the GDS system  Displays fields before creating
Tax ExemptYes, Data ExportsNo time shift, FROM date, TO datereservation number, booking date, pax name, payment method, total pax reservation charges 
Ticket Audit ReportNoYesShows amelia Ticket Audit Details

From Date - From audit change date (Local), To Date - To audit change date (Local), and Reservation Number - Mandatory Reservation Number. 0 for all reservations.

Date and Time, Reservation Number, User, Description, Old Ticket/Coupon, Old Coupon Status (O - Open, E - Exchanged, F - Flown), Old Flight, Old Passenger, New Ticket/Coupon, New Coupon Status (O - Open, E - Exchanged, F - Flown), New Flight, New Passenger

Ticket ReportNoYesShows amelia Tickets for selected flights

From Date - From flight departure date (Local), To Date - To flight departure date (Local), Flight Number

Flight #, Flight Date, DEP, ARR, Passenger Name, Res #, Ticket #, Status (O - Open, E - Exchanged, F - Flown)

User GroupsYes, Data ExportsNoa list of each user and the group they are associated to, organized by grouptime shiftgroup description, user logon name, user name, creation date 
User PermissionsYes, data ExportsNopermission settings by usertime shiftprocess description (permission) setting, logon name, usernamenot used as a historical audit, only gives current
Vouchers RedeemedNoYes FROM date , TO datereservation number, passenger number, departure, arrival, value, redeemed date 
Vouchers CreatedNoYes FROM date, TO date, expired from date, expired to datepassenger name, agency name, company name amount, amount, expire date 
WaitlistYesYesShows all passengers on waitlist with their route and contact informationFrom Date – Creation date of the payment UTC To Date – Creation date of the payment UTC Selected Flight # - Select the flight number that you would like to display in the reportDate – Date of the flight Flight – Flight number Name – Passenger name Res # - Reservation number Routing – Airports that the passenger will be flying on Home Tel – Passenger’s home phone number Agency – Agency that made the reservation Agency Tel – Agency’s phone number