Sub Agency Module


The Sub Agency Module:

  • Allows users to manage sub-agencies, including edit, create, activate/deactivate, and transfer credit (between two agencies) functionality.
  • Allows users to manage agency users, including create, edit, and activate/deactivate functionality.

Agency Management

Agency List


Create Sub Agency

  • IATA number:
    • Must be a 12-digit number
    • Must not exist in the system
  • Agency name, IATA number, Country, Province, and Address are required.

Edit Agency

  • IATA number cannot be modified.
  • Agency nameCountryProvince, and Address are required.

Company Info

Transfer Credit

  • Credit will be transferred from Agency in Transfer from field to Agency in Transfer to field.
  • Transfer amount must be greater than or equal to 1, and less than or equal to agency's available credit.

User Management

User List

Create User

Logon name, Full name, and Closest airport are required.

Logon name:

  • Accepts A-Z, 0-9, and at most one - or _.
  • Must not exist in the system.


  • Must contain at least one number, one uppercase letter, one lowercase letter, and one special character (!@#%&^).
  • Length: 8-20 characters

User groups:

  • More than one group can be added.
  • List of user groups depends on logged-in user's permissions.

Edit User

Logon nameFull name, and Closest airport are required.

Logon name:

  • Accepts A-Z, 0-9, and at most one - or _.
  • Must not exist in the system.

User groups:

  • More than one group can be added.
  • List of user groups depends on logged-in user's permissions.

Contact Info