Seat Assignment

Seat Assignment

Seat Map and Seat Selection allow you to assign specific seats to your passengers. This gives you greater control of fleet logistics, while balancing flight requirements and customer needs. For data integrity purposes, maps can only be created by InteliSys personnel. Editing and assigning, however, can be performed by airline employees given the proper level of user permissions. Please contact your Account Manager to enable this feature. If it is enabled, please contact your Account Manager with seat maps you would like to have created.

Step-by-step guide


  • Create one or more Seat Maps (templates) per aircraft model.

  • Customer Service Agents or Boarding Agents can assign seats to passengers during reservation process, at check-in or while boarding.

  • Passengers can select seats while booking or checking in from your IBE.

  • Customizable seat selection charge hierarchy (based on seat type and fare class.)

Seat Assignment Administration Screen

The Seat Assignment Administration screen allows you to create Seat Maps (by A/C model) and assign them to specific flights. Access it from the menu (Utilities -> Seat  Assignment).

The Assigned Seat Maps tab is where you may change the assigned Seat Map (by flight). The default Seat Map for the A/C model will be assigned by default.

Figure: Seat Assignment Administration screen

The Seat Map Templates tab is where you can view the available Seat Maps, by A/C model. If you have the proper Permissions, you can also add, edit, or delete templates from here.

Figure: Seat Assignment Administration screen - Seat Map Templates tab

Seat Map Editor Screen

The Seat Map Editor screen allows you to designate seats in several ways to allow/disallow their sale, as well allowing selective views.

The options for configuring the allowing and/or disallowing seats are accessed by right clicking a seat and choosing one of the following menu items:

  • Sale Blocks
  • Service Blocks

The options for selective views are also accessed by right clicking a seat and choosing one of the following menu items:

  • Show Weight Zones
  • Show Invisible Seats
  • Zoom

Figure: Seat Map Editor screen - menu views

Sale Blocks - Here, there are three ways you can control availability via the tabs; Allowed City Pairs, Allowed Booking Codes, Blocked Flights (which ties into Service Blocks below:)

In the Allowed City Pairs tab, you can pick and choose what city pairs you would like this map to have a chosen seat available on.

Figure: Seat Map Editor screen - Sale Blocks screen, Allowed City Pairs tab

In the Allowed Booking Codes tab, you can pick and choose what booking codes you would like this map to have a chosen seat available on.

Figure: Seat Map Editor screen - Sale Blocks screen, Allowed Booking Codes tab

In the Blocked Flights tab, you can pick and choose what seats are blocked for selection. This could be for many reasons such as the seat is removed for maintenance, special cargo is placed in the seat, etc.

Figure: Seat Map Editor screen - Sale Blocks screen, Blocked Flights tab

Service Blocks - Service Blocks is very similar to blocked flights with a key difference being the Service Block allows you to drill down more.

Figure: Seat Map Editor screen - Service Blocks window

Show Weight Zones - ameliaRES offers the ability to section your aircraft by weight zones. Configuring the amount of zones is accessible only to InteliSys staff so please communicate your desired zones to your InteliSys representative.

Figure: Seat Map Editor screen - Weight Zone Count

Figure: Seat Map Editor screen - Weight Zone Display

Show Invisible Seats - The seat map editor also allows you to hide seats if desired. If you are unsure if any are hidden, if you right click in the open space of the editor window, there is an option to show invisible seats which will reveal them.

Figure: Seat Map Editor screen - Seat Hidden

Figure: Seat Map Editor screen - Right-Click Menu with "Show Invisible Seats" option

Figure: Seat Map Editor screen - Hidden Seat Revealed

Seat Type Charges Screen

The Seat Type Charges screen allows you to specify Charges for various types of seats (ex: window or aisle seats). Access it from the menu (Utilities > Seat Type Charges).

Figure: Seat Type Charges screen

NOTE: All Seat Type Charges automatically use the system’s base currency.

If you have multiple currencies configured, you may change which one is displayed using the All Prices in listbox.

NOTE: There is no global default Seat Type - each seat on a Seat Map must be configured in the applicable Seat Type if it differs from the designation laid out by a row layout. For example if you have a row layout of S-S/S-S the seat types are automatically designated as Window-Aisle/Aisle/Window.

To edit a Seat Type Charge, select it and click the Edit button on the Seat Type Charges screen. The Edit Seat Type Charge screen is displayed, where you can make the required changes. Click the Save button to complete the operation.

Figure: Edit Seat Type Charge screen

NOTE: The Seat Charge is in addition to any charges on the Booking Code / Fare Class. You can set baseline for all booking codes and/or fare classes in Inventory setup:

Figure: Booking code default seat selection charge

Figure: Fare class seat selection charge assignments

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