NOSHO - No Show Set up

NOSHO - No Show Set up

This article will assist in the setting up of ameliaRES so that NOSHO charges are applied correctly.

Step-by-step guide

1. Ensure that Business Rule 427 is set to the number of minutes before the ETD that the airline will consider a NOSHO. This is shown in minutes and an example would be 120 mins (or 2 hours) prior to departure.

2. Under Utilities --> Cancellation/Modification Charges, ensure the setup has been completed - with the NOSHO fees being created that apply to each booking code, if applicable.

3. In the NOSHO description, select if this will be an amount or a percentage of the applicable fare:

4. Ensure the fare classes that are set up for NOSHO charges are also set as "Refundable" in the Inventory Setup screen. To do this, go to Utilities --> Inventory Setup:

  • If you make the fare Non-Refundable, then every change or cancellation will keep the old fare amount and add a new fare on top of it.
  • Using Cancellation/Modification/NoShow Charges eliminates the need to have any fare class marked as Non-Refundable in ameliaRES.
  • Once you have setup the NoShow charges and business rule, any cancellation made to a segment within the time limit will be considered a NoShow REGARDLESS of where the cancellation has been actioned (WEB, EDIT WEB, CHECK IN, RES).

5. In Check-in, to mark a Passenger as NoShow, follow the process below:

a. Once check-in is complete and all PAX have been boarded, mark all PAX who have not been boarded as No Show.

b. Highlight the NOIN PAX and click the No Show button. This will mark the passenger as a No Show in the system.

c. Select Yes:

NOTE: This is when you can process your standby PAX waiting at the gate.

You will notice that the No Show passenger has been marked with a strike-through and has also been given the NOSH status:

d. When you close the flight (once all of your post-departure duties are complete), click the Close Flight button.

A pop up will display asking you to confirm if you want all No Show passengers cancelled.

NOTE: Business Rule 442 allows the airline to cancel only the segment that was no-showed OR the entire file cancelling all segments.

e. Click Yes to proceed.

Here, you can see that the PAX has been put into a CANX and NOIN status:

Going back to the PNR, you can see that the segment has been cancelled:

and that all charges remain collected with no money being owed back to the passenger:

Business Rules that are important for NO SHOW functionality.

  • BR207 (NO SHOW SEGS):  When a passenger is no showed, all following segments are also no showed
  • BR243 (CANXMODAGENCY):  U logged in users agency, O Res Owners agency
  • BR297 (CANX_NOSHOW_DEF_OPT):  When closing flights. Specifies the default button of the No-Show Cancel message box. Y or N.
  • BR442 (CANCEL ALL LEGS):  Y-Auto Cancels all subsequent legs when a leg is cancelled from a No Show
  • BR504 (AUTO_EMAIL_NOSHOW):  N - do not auto email passenger when no-showed, Y - auto emailed itinerary sent to no-show pax
  • BR527 (FLT_CLOSE_DONE_BORD):  Close flight after all pax handled (boarded/noshowed). P = Prompt, A = Auto, N = NO.
  • BR759 (Auto_NoShow_Flight_Close): 
    Y - Passenger’s status will be changed to NO SHOW automatically if it’s not cancelled or boarded once the flight is closed.
    N - Feature is disabled.
  • BR760 (Auto_NoShow_Flight_Close_Default_Option): 
    Y - The “Automatically No Show passengers who are not Boarded or Cancelled.” is checked by default.
    N - The “Automatically No Show passengers who are not Boarded or Cancelled.” is NOT checked by default.
  • BR852 (Auto_No_Show_Email_Subject): Subject for emails sent from the auto no-show.

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