What is an E-Ticket and How do I apply them?

E-Tickets are an electronic form of payment for a GDS booking. Making modifications to a reservation can sometimes cause an e-ticket to become detached from the original reservation. E-tickets often become detached because one of three parameters of the new flight do not match that of the previous flight. To have an e-ticket attach automatically the Fare Class, Departure City and Arrival City must match. The tutorial below will teach you how to add an e-ticket using our e-ticket add functionality.  Before continuing ensure the user has the "Reservations/Operations/Booking/ETicket-Modify" permission.

How to get the E-Ticket number from the GDS Messages: 

1.) Open the reservation you wish to see the GDS messages of. (You do this as you normally would)
2.) On the right hand side of the page, you will see a button called "M-GDS Msg", Click it to open the GDS Message Interface. 

3.) Once the interface is open, we will need to see only the messages for the reservation we're looking at. To do this find the Display Dropown Box and select "By Locator". When you do this, another box will appear immediately underneath it. In this box, enter the Record Locator of the reservation, which can be found in the bottom right hand corner of the reservation, next to the "C- Close" button. Once you have done that, click the "Find" button. Doing so will bring up all of the GDS messages associated with that locator. As you can see in the photo below, I have clicked on the first message and there is the e-ticket. Copy the e-ticket number (everything before the "C1") and paste it into notepad or somewhere you will be able to see it.

4.) Proceed with the Steps below to attach the e-ticket.

Step-by-step guide

To attach an e-ticket to a segment complete the following:

  1. Open the Reservation you would like to add an e-ticket to. If the e-tickets are not properly attached to the reservation, the e-ticket button will be red. 

  2. Once you have opened the e-ticket window, any segments that do not have e-tickets attached will be RED. (This one looks different because the row is highlighted.) Any e-tickets not currently being used will be YELLOW. Any e-tickets which are properly attached will be WHITE. Yellow segments are fine to stay on a reservation especially when e-tickets have been re-issued. But if there is any RED, then the e-tickets must be fixed. Highlight the row you wish to attach the e-ticket to and click on the "Add E-ticket" button.

  3. Once the E-ticket add screen comes up, you will see that the flight information and passenger name is already filled in for you. To attach the e-tickets, enter in the e-ticket number in the e-ticket box. Select the coupon number from the list of options. You can do this by clicking on the ↓ button, that is attached to the Coupon field. Once you have done that, click Save. 

  4. Here you can see that we have entered in and saved our e-ticket. The line is white and all the information is displayed. You can now click Close if you are finished or highlight a new row and click "Add E-ticket" if you have additional e-tickets to add. 

  5. Once we have closed the window, our red e-ticket button turns grey. This means that all of the e-ticket information is correct.