How to Check and handle alerts

How to Check and handle alerts

Alerts are notifications that you receive in regards to a variety of changes that can be made to flights. These would include weather delays and schedule changes. Checking your alerts multiple times daily is essential to keep your reservations up to date. Neglecting Alerts can cause reservation issues, missed connections in passengers' flights and many other issues. So, it is imperative that you assign someone to check these. 

Step-by-step guide

  1. In the bottom right hand corner of the screen, you will see an "Alerts" button, with the number of currently pending alerts next to it. To get started, double-click on that button to open the window. 
  2. Once the window is open, you will see a list of alerts. Single-click the alert you wish to work on so it is highlighted. Once you do you, will see the reason for the alert. Our reason for this example is that the flight has been delayed more than the allowed amount. Click the View button to move to the next screen.

  3. As you can see in the example below, we have several passengers who need their flights modified. For this tutorial, we will modify passenger "Alex Saunders'" reservation. Click on the passenger you wish to modify and then click the Goto Res button in the bottom right hand corner of the screen. When handling alerts, you must go in and manually update each passenger's reservation. If you were to click Handle, this would only remove the alert, it would not update the reservation. The reason for this is that should a passenger need to be re-accommodated on to another flight, you could contact the passenger or the travel agent to discuss the details with them, before changing their flights.

  4. Now that we're in the res, it's a good idea to check to see what flight is really on the reservation. As you can see in the example below, the flight segment looks correct on the reservation screen, however, if you click "Change Seg" and look at the segment, it's reflecting the actual segment that is currently on the reservation. Close the "Change Seg" window and move to the next step.

  5. Since we need to edit this reservation, but do not want to incur any charges for the passenger (as this is an airline-based change, instead of a passenger-based change) we will choose Edit Route.

  6. ameliaRES will ask "Are you sure you want to change the remaining segments of all passengers on this reservation?". Here, we will choose Yes because the schedule change would apply to all passengers on the reservation.

  7. Here we see a list of flights. If the passenger has chosen to remain on the existing flight, ensure you choose the flight that was originally on the reservation. As you can see, the flight we used to have has been updated with the appropriate times. If the passenger needs to be re-accommodated on another flight, you can choose another flight from the list. Once you have chosen the appropriate flight, click Confirm at the bottom of the page.

  8. Now that we've confirmed the flight, let's take another look at the Change Seg screen. As you can see, our flight segment perfectly matches the flight segment that is in Change Seg. Now we know for sure that the segments are correct. Close this window and proceed to the next step in the tutorial.

  9. In the bottom right hand corner of the reservation, you will see a button called Handle Alerts. This removes the alert from the reservation completely and removes the passenger's entry on the Alerts screen. Click the Handle Alerts button.

  10. Once you have clicked it, amelia will check to see if you really want to remove the alert. If you modified the reservation and the file is now updated, you can click Yes. If you did not modify the reservation and the alert is still unhandled, click No. You would never want to remove an alert from a reservation without modifying the reservation first.

  11. Once you click it and confirm that you do want to remove the alert, the button disappears. Anytime you see a Handle Alerts button on a reservation, check the Notes as it's likely something on the reservation must be changed. You may now close the reservation and go back to the Alerts screen.

  12. Now the passenger has been removed from this Alerts screen. Repeat the steps in this tutorial on all other reservations that show up under this alert. Once they are all completed, you can click the Close button. Upon clicking the Close button, the alert will disappear from the list. You can move on to the next alert in the list, until the entire list is gone.

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