How to Clear a Passenger (Secure Flight APIS)


Occasionally with Secure Flight a passenger may need to be manually cleared in the system to allow check in. This feature was introduced in amelia 18.10.


  • In order to use the following solution, the logged-in amelia user requires the appropriate permission. Specifically, the permission required is Reservations > Operations > Check In > APIS > APIS Result - Override.


The following steps will help you clear the passenger

The following steps assume you are in the Check in screen

  1. On the check in screen, scroll to the right of the screen, so you can see the APIS Results Column. Double click on the APIS result for the passenger you wish to clear.
  2. A new window will pop up. You will see an entry in the APIS results box. Highlight it and click "Override"
  3. When you do, you will see a drop down menu with different statuses in it. To set the passenger to "Cleared", select Cleared from the list. There are other options, however, cleared is the one you will use most frequently. There is also a free text section to document additional notes. These should be kept as brief as possible.