Citrix Screen Partially Missing

Citrix Screen Partially Missing


An issue with the Citrix screen partially missing can occur when using two monitors and/or moving/dragging applications between two monitors on one work station while connected using Citrix. It is also possible that the issue is more prevalent if the two monitors have different resolutions.

An example of how a screen may look is below:


  1. When first logged in with your Citrix account, click on the Settings link to access the settings needed as shown below:
  2. Once on the settings page - Update the window size to be "Percentage of screen", Update the Percentage of screen field to be "95%' and click the Save button as shown below:
  3. Then you can continue and click on the Amelia icon to launch the application which should appear on the screen covering 95% of the screen. This change has improved this issue with some users, but if the Citrix screen is moved from one monitor to the next, it is possible that this issue will reoccur.

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