GDS Message Investigation Information
Occasionally a we will require more information for a GDS reservation, in the form of finding additional GDS Messages. Below are all of the ways to Search for more information on a GDS reservation.
Find GDS Reservation via Advanced Search
Amelia's Advanced search function, allows you to search for a reservation using information other than a Name or Reservation Number. Below are the steps to search VIA Record Locator Number:
- Navigate to Operations > Reservations
- Once the reservations screen is open, look at the bottom right corner for the "Advanced Search" button. Click it.
- When searching for a reservation by Record Locator, we do not want to be mindful of the dates. The Record locator will allow the reservation to come back, without the assistance of dates. Click the "Ignore Booking Date" check box. Under "Search Type", click "Locator Number". In the blank box at the bottom of the screen, enter in the 6 digit Record Locator number. Click "Search".
- If there are any existing reservations with that Locator Number, it will come up in the Reservations screen.
Search for ALL messages associated with a specific Record Locator
In the GDS Message interface, you can view ALL messages from a specific locator using the following steps. You can use this to find out what actions have been taken on a reservation via the GDS.
- Open the GDS Message interface by navigating to Operations > GDS > GDS Messaging
- Set the Display to "By Locator"
- A box will appear labeled "Locator to Find" in this box put the 6 digit record locator number. Click "Find"
- Now that we've run a quick search, lets bring back ALL messages. Set the "Type" to <All>
- Set the "Status" to <All>
- Click Find.
- You should now be able to see ALL message with that locator in the GDS message interface. Be sure to search for the locator before setting the Type and Status. Otherwise you will be bringing back "All" messages of "All" types.
Sabre Segment Status Code Meanings
Sometimes the issue with a GDS message is simply that the agent has not given the appropriate Segment Status codes. Below is a list of many of the segment status codes used within sabre and TTY messaging.
Status Code | Description | Currently Supported |
AF | AA Advantage ticket | |
AK | Confirmed outside Galileo system | |
AL | Waitlisted outside Galileo system | |
AN | Requested outside Galileo system | |
BK | Booked with carrier | |
BL | Waitlist segment | |
BN | Requested outside Galileo system | |
CH | Passive - Code share holds confirmed | |
CK | Advance check-in. Boarding pass issued | |
CS | Code share sell segment | |
DK | Link book last seat | |
DL | Deferred waitlist | |
DS | Desires segment | |
DX | Passive - Broken marriage / Active-Authorized partial cancellation within a marriage | |
EK | EMD confirmed | |
FS | Free sale | |
GF | Firm booking | |
GK | Gauranteed/Merged. Also used in 1V as Passive - Group confirmed | |
GL | Waitlist with carrier | |
GN | Group booking | |
GO | Option booking/mrg | |
HA | Have requested. Airline requested one of their own segments | |
HD | Holding confirmed; EMD required | |
HI | Holding confirmed EMD issued (EMD can only be issued if Ticket is Issued) | |
HK | Holds confirmed | |
HL | Holds waitlist | |
HN | Holds need/confirmed | |
HQ | Space prev. request | |
HS | CO changes | |
HW | Have waitlisted. Airline waitlisted one of their own segments | |
HX | Cancel confirm hold | |
IG | Involuntary upgrade | |
IH | Inhibit status code | |
IK | Infant no seat | |
IN | If not holding need | |
IS | If not holding sell | |
IX | If holding cancel | No |
KD | Issue EMD | |
KK | Carrier confirmed | |
KL | Waitlist confirmed | |
LK | Passive - Link booking - guaranteed sell | |
LL | Add to waitlist | |
MB | Move reaccommodation - Pax was on standby status for flight affected | |
MK | Non messaging Passive segment. Also used in 1V as move reaccommodation - Pax was waitlisted/moved to new fight | |
ML | Waitlisted | |
MN | Not available | |
MO | Manual override for car/hotel | |
MR | Requested | |
NA | Need alternate | |
NN | Requesting segment | |
NO | No action taken | |
NS | No show | |
OB | Overbook | |
OX | Cancel only if requested segment is available | |
PA | Priority waitlist-emergency travel | |
PB | Priority waitlist | |
PC | Priority waitlist | |
PD | Priority waitlist | |
PK | Discounted passngr. | |
PN | Pending need | |
PS | Passive | |
PW | Priority waitlist | |
RR | Reconfirm | |
SB | Boarded standBy | |
SC | Schedule change | |
SD | Schedule change/re-booking; EMD already issued. Document number must be included in the SSR | |
SP | Passive-space protected | |
SQ | Space request - bilateral use | |
SS | Sell segment | |
TK | Sched. chg. not AA | |
TL | Sched. chg. waitlist | |
TN | Sched. chg. ReqHld. | |
UC | Unable conf. or wait | |
UN | Unable - no flight | |
US | Unable to sell | |
UU | Unable conf. ReqWait | |
WK | Sched. chg. of cnfrm | |
WL | No longer waitlist | |
WN | Was need/sched. chg. | |
XB | See BSG sched chg | |
XI | Cancel itinerary | |
XK | Cancel seg with change | |
XM | Segment cancelled | |
XX | Cancel segment | |
YG | Involuntary upgrade | |
YK | Hold cnf AL space | |
ZK | Passive - API booking |
ameliaRES GDS Message Parsing "Last Error" Error Codes
Error Code | Meaning |
5001 | Unknown Actions/Status Code(s): |
5002 | Locator Already Associated with reservation: ResNum |
5003 | No Fares Found for Given Booking Code |
5004 | Unable to find Flight Segment: |
5005 | No Seats Available |
5006 | No Availability for given booking code |
5007 | Credit card Authorization failed |
5008 | No seats allocated to the given booking code |
5009 | Credit Card is not a valid form of payment and message has CC info attached |
5010 | BSP is not a valid form of payment and CC information is not attached to Msg |
5011 | Unsupported Action Was Sent to Booking Code |
5012 | Unable to Find Original Reservation |
5013 | Unsupported Payment Method Found On the Original Reservation (Only BSP Currently Supported) Dec 10, 2003 |
5014 | Travel has already begun on this reservation. Amelia GDS cannot make change to a reservation after a passenger has borded. Unable to change reservation. |
5015 | No allocations exist on this flight. |
5016 | No Segments Were Added (Probably Due to Invalid Airline Idents on the Segment Lines) |
5017 | Not Enough Seat Availability In Public Or Agency Allocation |
5018 | (-6026) Due to business rule settings, no edit/cancels allowed |
5019 | (-6027) New CC payment does not match old. Res already has CC payment and new CC doesn't match that one. |
5020 | Insufficient Credit On Account Mapped to 'On-Account-Agency' |
5021 | Availability Check failed, either no valid fare was found OR one or more of the seat availability are no longer available |
5022 | No infant availability |
5023 | Reservation has multiple payment types. Amelia GDS cannot make changes to a reservation which has used multiple payment types |
5024 | Reservation has multiple CC payments. Amelia GDS cannot make changes to a reservation which has multiple CC payments. |
5025 | Unable to create payment. Company balance check failed in stored procedure. |
5026 | Provided booking date from message is not valid: ### - ## |
5998 | Error Calling GDSBookReservation: #### |
5999 | Error Building Booking XML: #### |
Source: amelia\projects\VB\GDS\AmeliaGDS\CRSSpecific\Generic\CParse.cls
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