How to Check your GDS Messages

How to Check your GDS Messages

GDS messages are messages sent from Global Distribution Systems to ameliaRES. This allows you to open your flight availability to any travel agency that uses one. In ameliaRES, we have a GDS message interface that allows you to view, edit, respond and handle any messages that have come in that were not automatically handled by amelia. Messages can come in for a variety of reasons. These messages must be checked on a daily basis to ensure that no reservation modifications are missed. Below we will review how to check these messages and the various features of the GDS message interface. 


GDS Message interface features and overview. 

  1. To access the GDS message interface, select Operations → GDS → GDS Messages.
  2. In the example below you can see the interface. There are many different ways that you can view and search for messages. What you see there is the default search parameters. By setting it to "All" "Received" messages for "Today" you will see any unhandled messages that are currently in the queue. You can change the display to view the last 2-6 days, the last week, the last month, the last year, by a certain date and by record locator. Also highlighted are the inbox and outbox buttons. This allows you to view messages that have been sent from your interface (if you choose outbox) and messages received by the interface (if you choose inbox.)

  3. To view a message, highlight it in the message list. As you can see, our highlighted message is displayed in the 2nd window of the interface. To handle this message, double click on the highlighted row and a window will open. 

  4. This is the message window, here you can review the message and any notes added to figure out the best action to take on the message. Here there was an error in processing this message. This means we have to process it manually. To do this, click the Book button. 

  5. In the manual booking screen, you can see an overview of the segment actions to be taken. The passenger name, how many adults and children are on the reservation. Once you have reviewed the information and deem it to be correct, you can then click the Book button.

  6. Once you have clicked the book button, the message will change status to PRCD - Processed and it will disappear from the window. To view this message you just handled, you can change the Status to PRCD - Processed and it should be the first message in the list. You have now successfully handled a GDS message. 

How to find GDS messages associated with a specific Record Locator

Sometimes we need to review all of the messages associated with a specific record locator. This could be for any number of reasons. Below we will learn how to find these messages in the GDS message interface. 

  1. Since the above tutorial taught us how to open the GDS message interface, please do so. You can review Step 1 above on how to complete this. 
  2. In the example below, we have changed the Display to By Locator. Do this first. Doing so will bring up an additional box called Locator to Find. In this box enter in the record locator you wish to find. Click Find.
  3. To see ALL of the messages, change the Status to All. By doing so, it will bring up ALL messages associated with that record locator. 

How to find the notes on a GDS message

GDS messages often contain notes that advise us as to why a message failed, if a message was successful and so on. Below is how you would check the notes on a GDS message. 

  1. The first tutorial in this list showed us how to open the GDS message interface, Please review the first step of "How to Check Your GDS Messages" for instructions on how to do so. 
  2. As you can see, we have highlighted the message that we want to see the notes on. 

  3. Double click the blue highlighted message and you will see a second window appear, like in the example below. The notes are highlighted in the bottom half of the window. You have now successfully learned how to see the notes on a GDS message!

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