How to change AC models on a Route

How to change AC models on a Route

I have created a route that starts in the future and now must change the AC model, how can I do that?

Step-by-step guide

As long as you have all the proper permissions, this is a very straightforward task.  Please follow the steps below:

  1. Click Operations → Flight Management → Routes.
  2. Highlight the route you wish to edit and either double-click or click <Edit>.
  3. Click <Edit> in the top right corner, circled below.
  4. Find the new AC model that will operate the route and select it from the drop down list.
  5. Click <OK>, circled below.
  6. Click Save at the bottom left, circled below.
  7. You will then be asked if you wish to change all flights associated to this route.  If so click <Yes>, circled below.
  8. You will next be prompted to add the allocation template for the new AC model.  If one exists, select it and click <Apply>.  If one does not exist, press <Cancel> and later go to the "Seat Allocation" window to verify the data and correct if needed.
  9. Next you will be asked to select the seat map template for the new AC model.  Select the correct one and if you would like amelia to automatically attempt to try and find the closest related seat for passengers, click <YES>.  If you do not want amelia to try and re-seat passengers, click <NO> and their seats will be lost.
  10. The final step is to verify all worked as expected by verifying your flight allocations in the "Seat Allocation" window and making a test booking on the flight (and selecting a seat).  Once done, be sure to cancel the test booking.

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