Creating Routes and Schedules

Creating Routes and Schedules

This page will show the user how to create and publish routes and schedules in ameliaRES

Step-by-step guide

The process of creating routes and schedules begins at:

Operations → Flight Management → Routes

From there, open up the Routes screen:

Start the process by clicking on the Add button:

This will open up a new screen:

This screen is divided into 2 different sections.  The first must be completed before going on to the second:

Beginning in the top portion (1) enter the following:

  1. The Route No:  This is the actual flight number you wish to designate to your flight
  2. The From and To dates.  This will be the first flight date in your schedule and the ending date of your schedule
  3. Select which days of the week the flight will operate
  4. Select the aircraft A/C model from the drop down box
  5. 99% of the time you will leave the Type as Scheduled
  6. If this route is to be E-Ticketable select the this box
  7. Leave the Active box ticked
  8. Review your data and when you are finished click the OK button  

Once you click the OK button section (2) will become active and ready to accept data.  Section (1) will be grayed out so that you will not be able to make any entries.

You start the second section by clicking on the Add button:

This will activate the Leg Information boxes to enter the departure and arrival cities and times:

Enter the following data:

  1. Departure City using the drop down menu
  2. Arrival City using the drop down ment
  3. The departure time, in the Local time, ameliaRES will convert this to Zulu, UTC, GMT, automatically
  4. The arrival time, in Local time, ameliaRES will convert this to Zulu, UTC, GMT automatically
  5. Review your data to ensure accuracy!
  6. Click on the OK button

This will add the newly created segment

Once done here, click on the Save button  

The flight that was just created will show up in the main Route Management screen

The route has now been created and now the Schedule can be built from the data that has been entered in the route

To build the schedule, simply click on the Build Schedule icon / button at the lower left group of buttons on the Route Management screen:

Highlight the route that you would like to create a schedule for.  A hint that flights have not yet been created for any given route is that the user will see under the flights column in the Route Management screen a Zero (0):

Click on the Build Schd button and a popup will appear telling the user that the operation has been completed.

Click on the OK button and the next popup will appear:

This is the Allocations Template that has been created in the early stages of setting up the system.  As a recap, this template sets the flight to a default set of Booking Codes that will be available to sale when this step has been created.  The user will notice that a Default template has been selected as was done when the Template was built.  If this default template is not what the user requires, the drop down menu will provide any other Allocation Templates that have been created.

  1. Selection of Allocation Templates available for this aircraft type
  2. From date has been auto populated from the Route
  3. To date has been auto populated from the Route
  4. Select the Overwrite Existing on this step.  It will overwrite anything that may have been created earlier and will replace it with what the user is selecting (this will be relevant when/if editing an existing Route, the first build of the Route does not require the Overwrite Existing, as there is nothing to overwrite....although there is no harm in selecting it on the initial build) 
  5. Apply will add this template to the flights

The Zero (0) in the Routes Management screen has been replaced with the number of Flights that have been created for this Route.

The user can close this screen as the creation process has been completed.

This Route is now available for sale on ameliaRES!

** NOTE ** - The user can double check the Route was properly created and applied by going to Operations → Seat Allocations

  1.  Flight From date
  2.  Flight To date
  3.  Flight or Route number
  4. Begin the search by clicking the Look up button

The user will see that the schedule has been created and the desired number of seats required from the Allocations Template has been applied successfully.

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