Delay Codes - AHM730
A function within ameliaRES allows the user to create and add delay codes used in the daily operation of their airline. The purpose of the delay codes is to properly and accurately define the cause and affect of the delays caused in the operation of the airline.
Step-by-step guide
To set up the delay code categories and the delay codes individually, you begin in the Utilities → Core Items → Delay Categories
Then click the ADD button
Name = Passenger and Baggage
Code = PAX
Description = Airport above the wing
Click SAVE and proceed to the next Category. Once you have completed entering each Category or grouping, you can proceed to entering each delay code under that group.
Next proceed to Utilities → Core Items → Delay Categories
Click the ADD button
Delay Code = 11 or PD
Description = LATE CHECK-IN, acceptance after deadline
Category - PAX - Passenger and Baggage (from the dropdown menu)
Click SAVE and proceed to the next delay code
Attached are all of the IATA standard delay used throughout the industry. There are both the 2 numeric and the 2 letter character codes.
This is from the IATA Airport Handling Manual and is Resolution AHM730
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