Adding/Changing Airline Code

Adding/Changing Airline Code

This change will be required if IATA issues an airline a different Airline Code, or if an airline requests a new code from IATA.

Step-by-step guide

  1. Log in to clients' core database.
  2. Select tbl_Airline_Codes_Definition.
  3. Right-click on the table selection and Edit the top 200 Rows. (There should only be 1 or 2 entries in the table, usually. If you are editing and there are no entries, you are adding a new code.)
  4. The table contains the following fields:
    1. lng_Airline_codes_ID_Nmbr  = table ID 1,2,etc
    2. str_Airline_Codes_Ident = 2 letter code provided by airline
    3. str_Airline_Codes_Name = 2 letter code provided by airline
    4. str_Airline_Codes_Description = Airlines Operating Name
    5. str_Active_Flag = Y/N setting, depends on whether the code is visible in the Flight Management module in ameliaRES desktop.
    6. tsp_Timestamp = system created
    7. dtm_Creation_Date
    8. lng_Creation_User = will be the ID of admin user (1)
    9. dtm_Last_Mod_Date
    10. lng_Last_Mod_User
    11. str_Parent_Flag = Y or N value used for multi-airline setup (to distinguish the master airlines from the sub airlines).

Completed DB Table:

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