Changing Flight times for all Flights in a Route after a certain date

This relates to modifying a regular, scheduled flight that can be setup for long periods of time. When looking to change times for a portion of the flight schedule period without causing too much disruption to existing reservations (and to make the change happen as quickly as possible), the best thing to do is modify the flight from the Route level - This will update all flight schedules associated to the Route for the period of the change. Other possible uses for this include when a time zone switches from Daylight Saving Time to Standard Time.

Step-by-step guide

  1. Open Operations → Flight Management → Routes.
  2. Select the Route that requires the time change.
  3. Click the Split Route button.
  4. On the Split Route screen, you will see 2 tabs: Date Split and Frequency Split. We will use Date Split for this example. Frequency Split refers to having different timings on different days of the week.
  5. The Split Date is the new start date for the operation change for your selected flight schedule - it can be any date in the split between period.
  6. After selecting the new start date, click OK.  This will create a new instance of the previously-selected route, while leaving the original one intact up to the day prior to the selected date.

    One thing to note here is the number of flights. In our example, before the split, the route had 165 flights associated to it. After the split, we have 2 routes with a total of 165 flights, but only 22 of those are affected by the time change.
  7. Once you have completed the split, you can then edit your new route and make the necessary departure or arrival time changes to the leg or legs. Any reservations that are booked on the affected flights will then have an alert for departure and/or arrival (or both) times changed generated, so that your call center staff can easily notify passengers of the change in their itinerary.

NOTE: You cannot make changes to a route that has a start period that is in the past and spanning over the current date you are trying to make the change. If a route is in progress, you will need to split it so that the start date is at least one day into the future.